I need you

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For those of you who didn't get the message I haven't been feeling 100% lately and have been sleeping really bad. So I haven't been in the best mindset for writing.

However I thought I'd update because I love you guys :) It took so much longer for me to write this chapter than it usually does :o

And don't worry, there will be Marauders chapters to come. I just really needed to develop Jily some more

Much love

H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


So if you add pheonix tears to any potion it will instantly give it healing powers?! Cool!" James exclaimed. He stretched his long legs out and leaned back against the tree. It was turning from autumn to winter and the weather was chilly but neither of them seemed to mind.

Lily smiled and lifted a shoulder. "In a sort of way, yeah." She pulled the textbook off his lap and plopped it into her own. "Right I'll give you a quick quiz." Her green eyes scanned the page, and she pursed her lips as she did so in thought. SHe felt prickles down her spine and looked up to see two hazel eyes on her. Her smile widened as he lowered his head, red faced.

"I think we've done enough study for today" she decided, brushing herself off and getting up. "I'm ready to head up to the castle." James looked a little gutted but nodded his assent and they started walking together.

"Lily Evans!" a short girl with wild black hair and freckles ran up to her. "I'm so so sorry!" She was engulfed in a hug.

"Dorcas?" Lily pulled back. "What are you talking about?"

Her friend's forehead creased. "You haven't heard? Oh Lils." She drew a folded Daily Prophet from her pocket and shoved it in her face. On the front cover was a familiar cottage with a dark mark crowning it.

"Oh Merlin." Lily crumpled to the ground, body heaving with sobs. Footsteps echoed as the people quickly left the Entrance Hall, decent enough to give her privacy. She felt like her chest had been ripped open and her heart was raw and vulnerable.

"Hey" Dorcas touched her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"No!" she screamed, spinning around with tears flying down her face. "I'll never be ok again!" Dorcas retreated rather quickly and Lily felt bad, but not as bad as she felt at that moment.

"I guess I'll leave too" James smiled ruefully. "You'll want some space and I respect that I hope you know that your parents would be proud of you." He turned to walk away.

"No!" Over the pain Lily managed to get her words together. "Please. I need you."

James gaped but came to her and placed an arm around her tentatively. She leaned into him and silently cried. Her body felt like it was in two; one mourned her parents and the other secretly enjoyed the feeling of comfort from being in James' arms.

Her eyes started to slide close as the tears subsided but she managed to keep them open as she looked up at James. He was staring off into space, glasses glinting in the torch light.



"I know this may seem silly but I don't want to spend Christmas alone. All my friends are going to be spending it with their families and well...I don't really have one anymore." She drew in a deep breath and sighed.

He placed her hand in his and squeezed. "Miss Evans it would be my privilege if you could stay at my house for the holidays. Of course, the other boys would be there too but I'll tell them not to annoy you or anything." He smiled down at her.

"I can't thank you enough." She leaned into his chest, feeling a little healed already.

"Students out of bed!" Came the familiar screech. They jumped as Argus Filch's voice came from the distance. "Oh Mrs Norris we've got them this time!"

The pair scrambled up the stairs and to their common room. Lily had barely time to say goodnight as they hurried up to their dormitories and their bed. And though they hadn't learned much Potions that night, Lily and James had learned something else.

They needed each other.

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