April Fools!

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As you might be able to tell I am on holiday in Sweden at the moment. It is really clean, fresh and nice :)

However I'm leaving on sunday :( This will mean after that I'm back to school and the updates will be a bit slower. Sorry!

Hope you guys like the chapter



James woke to find something heavy, wet and furry planted right over his head.

"Ahhhhhh!" he yelled, giving the object a firm shove. The object, which turned out to be a large dog, soon changed back into his usual form as Sirius Black.

"Hahahaha rise and shine Prongsie! Happy April Fools! My favourite time of the year!" The sixth year boy gave his best mate's hair a big ruffle up, chuckling to himself.

Grumbling, James Potter retreated to the bathrooms to freshen up before breakfast. Once downstairs at the breakfast table, the other Marauders converged on him.

"So" Sirius grinned. "What's the prank this year? It better be even better than last year, because we're slacking on pranks at the moment and it's really letting our fellow students down." Remus snorted at this.

"Yeah James" Peter said eagerly. "What are your plans?"

"I don't have any" James confessed, digging into his bacon and eggs. Even Remus looked surprised at those words. They sat there in stunned silence. Peter looked like he might cry.

"April fools!" James suddenly announced, grinning broadly. "Did you idiots really think I had nothing up my sleeve?! As if! I definitely have a plan, but we'll have to miss first period Charms..."


The four boys headed down to lunch early, only stopping so that they could apologize to Flitwick for missing their lesson that morning. Then they sat down and started the disturbance.

"You know what?" Sirius said loudly to Randal, a particularly susceptible boy in third year. "I heard that the Peeves invited a whole lot of his poltergeist cousins to his death day party last night. But do you know what happened?"

'What?" asked Randal, wide-eyed and hanging onto the older boy's every word.

"The ghosts were too drunk to leave so they stayed here for the night. They have been still all morning but I bet they'll cause some mischief this morning. You just wait-hungover poltergeists are even worse than usual." Sirius leaned back and folded his arms with a smirk while Randal quickly passed on the information.

Lily leaned over the table. "What are you up to Black?"

"Nothing you need to worry about Evans" Sirius replied smoothly. Two green eyes narrowed.

"Seriously don't worry Lily" Marlene chided. "You just wait this will be fun." Sirius had begged the Marauders to let his girlfriend in on the prank, and they had eventually agreed so he wouldn't 'mark his territory' again.

Lily caught James' eye but he looked away, willing himself to not tell her.

By the time all of the food was gone there was a real air of anticipation by all Hogwarts students. Not one had left the Great Hall for afternoon lessons, all intrigued by the idea of either the mysterious ghosts or the fact that it was April Fools which meant the annual Marauder prank. Even the teachers hadn't left the table, waiting for the event to start.

And indeed it did when suddenly the professors found themselves glued to their seats, flying through the air propelled by magical sparklers. They zoomed across at high speeds in synchronized chaos. Students cheered and whooped, but the teachers themselves didn't look amused. Well, apart from Dumbledore who was smiling cheerily and sipping his pumpkin juice.

Suddenly they came to a stop and hovered in mid air as golden words shone stating the message: April Fools! From the Marauders.

Then the benches from the house tables rose with students on top, screaming and laughing - the Marauders doing so along with them. The strangest sight in Hogwarts history happened (which was saying a lot) as all benches and chairs zoomed outside and did a couple of laps around the castle.

Once returned to the Great Hall everyone looked around wildly for the perpetrators but found them nowhere to be seen. Soon everyone returned to lessons with the whole castle buzzing about the clever prank.

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