Welsh Kisses

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If you read my authors note you would know I have been very busy with the first week back at school after winter break and all the like (I live in the Southern  Hemisphere remember). However I have been thinking about you guys so found some time to pop in this chapter.

I mentioned this already last chapter, but if you haven't gone and seen my tumblr yet (vivant-dans-le-soleil) please go check it out! I am waiting for people to ask me questions. They can be about anything I swear!

Lastly I hope you like this chapter. Getting hot and heavy in the stables hehe. Also it doesn't mention where the Potters lived so I thought it would be cool if they lived in Wales :D Shout out to all you cool Welsh people!

Ta ta sunshines

H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


Lily stretched out lazily like a cat from where she lay in a feather down bed. It was just as comfy as her one at Hogwarts....she shot up gasping as she realised where she was.

It was a second story room overlooking the backyard, if you could call it a yard. The room itself had white walls and the bed she was sleeping in was indeed a four poster with dark wood. The rest of the room also had dark wood furnishings, with a dresser, wardrobe, small bookshelf and a chair by the window. There was a door to her right, and one by the bed on the left which she had discovered lead to a bathroom.

She had gone to bed almost immediately after getting to her room last night, so her stomach was groaning for food very loudly. However, her curiosity to explore won her over so she changed into a black trench coat, jeans, and zipped up her tan boots overtop. She padded down the hallway, down the stairs and slipped out the front door.

From there she was a bit less cautious as she crunched through the gravel drive, and around the side of the house on the grass. It was so lush and free here, unlike the restraining town of Cokeworth where she had grown up. She slowly breathed in the sharp scent of fresh clean air.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a horse and rider round the lake. They were headed to the stables, but diverted when they saw her approaching and came towards her. It was James, smiling widely and looking ruggedly handsome.

That was another thing yesterday had brung, the unwavering fact she was falling for James Potter.

"Morning" he called out cheerfully. "You're up early." He looked happy to see her, which made her heart rise.

"Didn't want to waste the day" she replied with a side grin, sneakily admiring his muscular figure in the riding gear. "You look nice" she blurted without thinking then realised what she said and swore under her breath.

James let out a breezy laugh. "I never thought I'd hear you of all people say that, but thanks you're not so bad yourself" he replied cheekily, obviously checking her out.

"I would slap you right now but you're up seated on a horse" she muttered half grumpily.

He leaped down from the horse at that point. "I have every faith that you will not in fact slap me. Now, do you want to brush down the horse or not."

She trailed behind him back to the stables, careful not to walk behind the horse. It was an appaloosa, James informed her, and his name was Rhyddhad which meant Freedom in Welsh. Lily was quite impressed to learn he spoke the language and she soon gathered they were in Wales.

The redhead admired the way he was with Rhyddhad - she wasn't always the best with animals. He looked relaxed and happy, which was something she hadn't seen in a long while. However, she could still see the stress plain from the knots in his shoulders. He hadn't been sleeping well.

He finished with the horse and turned and their gazes locked. She smiled gently before coming over and placing her hands on his shoulders.

"W-what are you doing?" James asked, voice shaky. Lily pressed her lips together to stop from laughing at how scared he seemed of her. Or maybe it was what he was scared of wanting her.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to give you a massage - you're so tense and being up on a horse won't help." He didn't say anything, but didn't move away. She took this as a sign to start massaging.

Her palms worked her way across his shoulders and down his back as she kneaded out the knots. He groaned as she worked and she smirked. "Enjoying yourself?" She peeked over his shoulder to find him with eyes closed. He slowly opened them and the pupils were dilated.

Suddenly he spun in her arms, catching her around her waist and leaving her speechless. James bent down and captured her with his lips. She felt alive, and could feel every nerve buzzing. The air was electric and she deepened the kiss, winding her arms around his neck.

All too soon it was over and James ducked his head down. She frowned as he placed his ear to her stomach. As if that was a sign it growled loudly.

He laughed loudly and she went red. Though she saw as he straightened up he was rather flustered himself and didn't look all there. He took her hand and winked.

"I think now is a better time than ever for breakfast."

Lily agreed grudgingly.

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