Christmas Present

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I updated because I can. And I have time right now which I won't have later in the term.

This one shot is the start of Jily progression towards friendship and more. Though there will be some twists and turns along the way this is a start (ish).

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H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


Lily sat huddled over her textbook in an armchair, eyes skim reading the new transfiguration material. She shivered at the sight of snowflakes drifting past the window and snuggled down deeper.


The Gryffindor common room was packed to the brim with students trying to escape the cold. But that didn't stop Lily from spotting the Marauders huddled up in one corner, parchment between them and big grins as they chatted away. Her eyes narrowed.


She looked at the shiny prefect badge on her chest, then sighed as she recognised a similar one on Remus' chest. Deep down she knew she should trust him to keep the other three in check, but it was a hard thing to do.


Snapping her book closed she left for bed.




In the morning Lily tidied herself up and headed down to breakfast. The students who weren't staying over Christmas break were leaving today, and she wanted to spend as much time with her friends as possible.


At the Great Hall she slipped into a seat between Dorcas and Marlene. The latter was looking a bit sultry- probably because her longtime crush Sirius Black hadn't turned up yet.


Lily admired how pretty the Hall looked for Christmas, with a dozen Christmas trees and tinsel everywhere. Hagrid had done a wonderful job this year. She started munching on some toast when something wet hit her in the head. Looking up she saw real snow was falling from the roof, not the usual mimicking weather, and the ground was already coated in a fine layer.


The doors burst open and three boys rushed in, dressed as elves. Judging by Marlene's face, though Lily was too short to see, they must be Sirius, Remus and Peter. The trip dashed around the hall, simultaneously picking up snow and starting a full blown snowball war.


Lily yelped as sludge hit her in the face. She ducked under the table as teachers shouted and mayhem ensued.


Where's James? She wondered, but at that moment a loud bang followed by a "Ho Ho ho!" echoed through the hall. Peeking her head out she watched in wonder as James Potter flew over head in a sleigh. He was dressed as Santa and was chucking presents to everyone. The snow fight was paused for the meantime so she wiggled out and watched, amused, as he did laps around the hall with the teachers in pursuit. All apart from Dippet and Dumbledore who looked quite content to sit back and observe.


Suddenly James was flying her way and biffing her a present. She caught it and studied it warily for any sign of mischief. Once she had deemed it safe she untied the ribbon and opened it.


Inside was a butter beer and a note. She raised an eyebrow at her favourite drink before opening the note and reading;




I've been a dick. Can you forgive me after I've shown you how I've changed? Also I would like to try at friends if that's ok with you.




P.S Hope you like the drink I know it's your favourite.

Shaking her head she smiled, meeting those hazel eyes in mid air. Then she waggled her finger at him, which made him chuckle. Glancing down at the note she decided to not deduct any house points today. After all, it was Christmas.

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