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Lily's dream was going along quite nicely for once. Herself, Petunia and her parents were sitting having a picnic. They were all laughing at a joke her dad made when a piercing bright light interrupted her dream.

"Uhhh" she moaned, squinting to see a curvy figure leaning over her.

"Well morning to you too." Dorcas gave her a big prod with her wand. "Come on! You're going to miss breakfast!"

The prospect of food got Lily moving. She changed into a tight black fleece, maroon leggings and brown boots. She wrapped a gold and red scarf around her neck. Then she headed downstairs with Dorcas dragging her along.

"Oh I forgot to mention" the dark haired girl said chirpily. "It's Quidditch day! Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor!" Another moan escaped Lily's lips.

They arrived at the Great Hall to find a weird atmosphere. Usually the place would be buzzing as students anticipated the upcoming match. There would be lots of shouting as friends bickered over the outcome of the game. But today there was an icy silence. Everyone spoke in whispers, and dirty looks were shot towards the Gryffindor table. Lily's eyes widened at the source of the disturbance.

Sirius Black, Hogwarts most desirable bachelor, was single no more.

He sat, in an oblivious bubble, with Marlene McKinnon on his arm. The pair were smiling and chatting with James, Alice and Frank. Remus and Peter were nearby, quietly incredulous. Every so often Sirius would whisper something in Marlene's ear, making her giggle.

Lily and Dorcas strode towards them, rolling eyes at all the heartbroken girls. They slid into a significant gap beside Sirius himself.

"For once the hall is blissfully quiet!" Dorcas noted happily, grabbing a sausage and munching on it. "Well done Sirius, Marlene I'm quite impressed. Nice acting on both of your parts."

Lily dodged sausage spittle as the new couple gazed at Dorcas, lost for words. Even James looked surprised by the observation.

Dorcas swallowed her sausage with one big gulp. "Wait you two are actually dating? Awkward...well I better be off big game today, must get changed..." She hurried off, half mortified half amused.

Marlene coughed and stared down at her plate, confidence diminished. Lily could feel the uncertainty shooting from her.

Sirius smiled softly, an expression that made Lily lost for words. He kissed his girlfriends cheek.

"Have to get ready Marl, see you soon." She gave him a weak smile as himself and James stood and left for the pitch. The latter looked as confused as she did. Frank and Alice also left to head down to the grounds.

Lily brushed Marlene's hair out of her face. She noticed her friend was wearing Sirius' training jersey which made her smile. Gently Lily titled her face so they were eye to eye.

"McKinnon, get up. You are Sirius Black's frickin girlfriend! That means you can't sit around her moping all day! You have to get down there and support him." The blonde looked startled at first, then her gaze hardened. She got out of her seat and the two girls marched down to the Quidditch pitch.


James flew around the pitch, dodging bludgers and players. He tossed the quaffle to an expecting Dorcas who flew towards the goal post. His gaze grew nervous as a Hufflepuff went to intercept, but Longbottoms bludger soon took care of that. The red ball flew and clanged in the hoop.

"150 - 110!" Came Alice's excited voice from the stands. "If the snitch is caught now Gryffindor have won and are a shoo in for the Cup Fin- oh look! There go the two seekers now! Peakes and Reed are in for a tough battle."

The whole stadium held it's breath as the two girls, neck in neck, flew for the golden ball. Reed flew ahead and nearly had it when a nicely placed bludger hit her tail and sent her spinning. The whiplash from the broom sent Peakes forwards and she caught the snitch.

James roared with triumph. He flew down and thumped Sirius, applauding him for his bat skills and quick thinking. The duo met the rest of their team where Dorcas and Fabien were snogging each other senseless. Gydeon, the keeper and Fabien's brother, watched on with disgust in his eyes.

Chuckling, James ruffled Janice Peakes' hair, and congratulated the fourth year for her flying skills. He turned and watched his best mate stride into the stands and greet Marlene with a big sloppy kiss. But James' eyes soon flickered to Lily who was watching alongside. She smiled at him and mouthed, 'nice work captain'.

That was all the praise he needed.

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