Still Better Than Studying

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Sorry about the short chapter! There is a long one next however since guess what...double update!

I thought it was about time and you guys deserve it for being loyal readers/

So I'll post the second part later tonight.

You're welcome :)



It was May which came with exams. From first year to seventh, every student was studying. Well, attempting to.

"We already know all the content, no need to study" Sirius bragged, feet up and chair tilted back. Remus and Marlene were trying to study at the same table. "Photographic memories - isn't that right Prongsie?" He addressed his best friend.

"Yes, for the fifth time, yes Padfoot" James replied warily. Even he was getting sick of the constant attention seeking.

"It's the imagery" Sirius informed them, leaning forward conspiratorially across the desk. "Imagine what the answers are and you're all -"

"Oh shut up." Marlene rolled her blue eyes and stood up. "I've had enough of your nonsense for one day and I NEED to ace these tests if I want to become a Healer. So I'm going to join Lily and Alice. Good bye." She swung her curtain of blonde over one shoulder and left.

"I'm tempted to join her" Remus muttered dryly. "However since you guys know all the answers care to explain what the theory of Drigglebe is?"

Two faces stared at him blankly.

"That's what I thought - you may know everything in theory but you do need to remember names, dates and places. Hit the books." Remus ordered before also leaving.

James caught his friends brown eyes. "You know maybe they're right..."

"Or" Sirius interrupted. "We can just cram it all in like last year the day before and go for a kitchen run now."

James smirked. "I like that idea much better."

Later on in the Gryffindor common room a distressed Marlene and an exasperated Lily approached Remus by the fire.

"We've been looking all afternoon and can't find Sirius and James! I'm getting worried" Marlene confessed.

"Speak for yourself" Lily muttered. "This is the quietest the common rooms been in an age."

Marlene pursed her lips and looked to Remus.

The sandy blonde sighed. "One word - kitchens."

Sure enough when the two girls got their twenty minutes later they found the boys sprawled over the floor clutching stomachs and moaning.

"Really?" Marlene was disgusted. Lily also wrinkled up her nose but abstained from laughing.

Sirius grinned up at her then at James. "Still better than studying."

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