Meet The Potters

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Hey sunshines!

Exciting news...I have created a tumblr! It's so you guys can suggest ideas for my stories and ask questions and learn a bit more about me. The url is: . Copy that link into a new tab or go onto my profile and the link is under 'website' :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter it's jam packed with stuff.

H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


James felt like he was living a dream as he strolled down the hallway of the Hogwarts Express with his hand in Lily's. People stopped and stared as they passed, and he happily noted Lily didn't seem to care. He tried to pinch himself but instead pinched Lily and she swiftly drew her hand away with a weird look. Oops.

He smiled as a goodbye, and ducked back into the Marauders compartment, soppy smile all over his face. His long legs almost came out from under him as he sunk in a daze into the plush seats.

"Prongs!" Sirius slapped his face. "What the bloody hell has gotten into you?!" He looked a bit frightened - Peter in the background mirrored the expression. Marlene, who had been thrown off by Sirius as his friend walked in, looked pissed off but curious. Sirius shook his friend wildly but there seemed to be no one home.

Then Remus strolled in and saw the events taking place. A knowing smile crept onto his lips. He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Padfoot seriously don't worry. You will know soon enough." The shaggy haired boy narrowed his eyes, but did back away.

A short while later the train pulled to a halt. The Marauders were up and out the door, weaving through the crowd like experts to get to their ride in the discreet location of a side alleyway outside the station. Once through the barrier and with the waiting house elf they, namely Sirius, waited impatiently for James.

But all the mysterious events fell into place as James walked out with Lily on his arm. Both were smiling shyly at each other, and as they arrived they were greeted with stunned expressions.

Lily giggled at them. "You two look exactly like my friends when I told them who I was staying with over the holidays!" she exclaimed in the direction of Sirius and Peter. She turned and gasped as she saw the elderly house elf waiting. "Is she yours?! Oh she's lovely." The boys balked at this new version of Lily Evans as she shook hands with the creature and introduced herself.

James scratched his neck sheepishly. "Well my parents are working so they sent Tilly to pick us up." Tilly curtseyed at the sound of her name.

"Nice to see Masters Remus and Peter it has been too long. Right here's the portkey" she had a thick Welsh accent, and she drew a thin book from her pocket. She tilted her head to consult her watch. "It's set to go off anytime now so grab on quick." They all placed their hands on and within the minute were whisked off.

As they alighted they found themselves in the front lawn of a grand house. It was coloured a red brick with white trimmings. The gardens were wildly neat, and a vine crept up the left side of the building. In the distance hidden by the house was a lake with a gazebo, a maze and stables. The property seemed to reach out into the distance, and was rimmed by dark green woods.

"James this is amazing!" Lily gaped and spun in a circle as they proceeded up to the front door. She stumbled a bit with her trunk and James swooped in to carry it for her. Her green eyes shone up at him gratefully. The other boys muffled sniggers.

Tilly hurried ahead and opened the black door. They entered into a large but somehow cosy entrance area with a sweeping staircase curving from the right side up the back wall. There were double doors in front, to the right and left, leading to other rooms. Lily seemed to not be able to comprehend the size and was gaping like a goldfish.

The door in front of them suddenly opened and out came a couple with silvery hair and kind lined faces. They smiled widely as they saw the teenagers gathered.

"Welcome my dears it has been so long!" The woman opened her arms and the boys all came to hug her. The man offered his hand for all of them to shake.

The woman saw Lily and gestured forward. The red head slowly came. Her eyes were a bright blue, though her husbands were hazel like James. There were traces of black in her hair, which was were James must have got it from, while the man's had quite obviously been a chestnut colour in his youth.

"I'm Mrs Potter dear, James's mother though you can call me Sylvia. And this is my husband Mark" One blue eye winked. "We have heard lots about you."

Lily seemed to take a step back and went red. "Um do you think you could show me your room? I'm feeling quite tired."

Understanding showed in Mr Potter's eyes. He nodded to the waiting house elf. "Tilly could you show her the ladies guest room? Thank you." Lily was whisked away with her trunk.

Once they had left Sylvia rounded on her sons and smiled. "Now you all have some explaining to do."

Sirius looked rather delighted at the prospect as James groaned in despair.

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