Moving On?

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Second part of the double update! Woo

So this chapter is a little sad...I'm so sorry but it's necessary for later Jily development!

Yeah just read...and try to enjoy...



Exams were finally upon them and fifth, sixth and seventh years had to sit their OWLs, exams and NEWTs respectively. This meant a lot of tension in the castle - younger students knew to stay out of the way of older students studying or they would get hexed.

At the present time the sixth years were taking their History of Magic exam, their last exam for the year. They were stir crazy and ready to leave, especially James Potter and Sirius Black who had decided to pass notes.

Sirius: Check out Dorcas from this angle, she looks hot! Say Prongsie how about you hit her up? ;)

James: May I remind you about your very hot girlfriend? And I've told you, I only like one girl.

Sirius: Yes she is rather hot isn't she? WHO IS THIS MYSTERY GIRL?

James: Are you serious?

Sirius: No I'm Sirius!

James: The one I've been asking out for like ages as a joke. Well, now I like her, as I already told you!

Sirius: Sorry, you're going to have to spell it out for me...

James: Lily! I like Lily!

"Mr Black!" Professor Binns floated over. "May I remind you this is an exam. Hand it over." If there was one thing he was attentive in, it was the examinations, though he still had a monotone to his voice. Everyone were now looking over, not even bothering to keep writing apart from Remus and Lily. "What's this? James says he likes Lily huh?"

Although Lily didn't turn around, her face went beet red. The room broke into chattering at the latest gossip. James slunk into his chair and groaned loudly.

Then the bell rung for the end of the test and everyone got up and hurried out. James was first out followed by Sirius. Lily and Remus remained behind.

"What will Lily think of me now?" James groaned. "She'll think I'm a total idiot and won't even want to be friends anymore!"

"Look mate, you either made the biggest mistake of your life or the best. Go talk to her!" Sirius urged.

James ran his hand through his hair. "Maybe you're right." He slowed to a halt as Peter caught up with them. "I'll wait for her."

"What's happening?" Peter asked, slow on the uptake as usual.

"Come with me Wormtail. Good luck Prongs." Sirius and Peter left.

James leaned against the doorframe, nervous as students filtered past. He got at least twenty amused looks.

Then he spotted the red head approaching and his mouth went dry. She was flanked by Marlene and weirdly enough Remus. The pair peeled off as they got closer.

"Hi" Lily smiled softly and looked at him in an almost bashful way. Her big green eyes were shining and James felt his heart lurch.

"H-hey." He rubbed the back of his neck. "So you heard huh?"

"Yeah look James I like you. And whether that's as a friend or as something else I don't know. But what I do know is that I'm not ready. For a relationship. Not now. And I don't want you to wait. Move on." She drew a breath then walked away.

James stood there stunned. She only liked him as a friend? His heart plummeted and he grabbed his hair in fists.

"I'm sorry Prongs" Sirius actually looked half sympathetic for a second. "Remus filled me in."

"Pad foot it's too late. She'll never like me ever." He took a deep breath. "She told me to move on - I guess that's what I have to do."

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