Love Confession

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Last one shot...ever!

I've really enjoyed writing this story guys it has been so much fun! I hope you all enjoyed it.

I'm not going to be writing proper stories anymore because it's too time consuming for me. Instead I want to work on smaller projects that are more manageable. I'm going to be starting up som TMI one shots on my account Explosive Creator if anyone's interested.

Vote and comment for the last time?

Thanks sunshines xx


Lily woke up in the middle of the night tucked in the crock of James' arm. An overwhelming feeling of contentment thrummed in her body. She hadn't felt like that since her parents died. Hastily wiping away tears she sighed.

Turning her head she smiled at her peaceful sleeping boyfriend. A devious idea popped into her head.

"James darling. Jaaaaames." He snorted before continuing to sleep.

"James it's Lily." This time she got a response.

"Go away dream Lily you're not real" he mumbled. She pushed down a bubble of laughter and tried once more.

"James Potter it's Lily Evans and I want you to wake up so we can do something fun" she spoke on her most sultry voice. James was up like a rocket.

"Lily! You're real." He sounded like he had won the lottery. "You want us to do something fun...?" He asked hopefully.

"Oh yes I do." She placed a teasing kiss on his collarbone then stood up and featured with a finger. He came as if in a trance.

She lead him like that out onto the bad yard. Grass slapped her feet as it scolded her for being out so late. Then she turned and sprinted down the sloping lawn. James immediately followed.

She grinned to herself as she ran feeling the cool wind whip her face and make her cheeks burn. Halting at the lakeside, she felt a large mass slam her from behind causing her to start falling. A hand wove around her back and held her steady.

Breathlessly she stared up into his eyes. His hazel eyes had dilated and he panted but it wasn't from running, James was very fit.

She slipped out of his embrace and unzipped her jeans. Then she reached up and removed jersey and undershirt until she was standing in her knickers and bra. James looked gobsmacked but he regained his composure and moved in.

Lily let him hold her briefly. She striped off his shirt while holding eye contact. Then she teasingly pulled closer pressing her body to his. She reached on her tip toes and whispered I his ear.

"If you want me come get me." And she turned and dove into the water.

She was a very confident swimmer, since all muggle children got swimming lessons. However she wasn't sure of James' abilities, since he had a magical upbringing, but had to hope at least he could float.

In the middle she turned and tread water, her green eyes scanning. Where was James? She turned in a circle biting her lip nervously.

Then she felt water go up her nose and she was pulled from under. Her scream was muffled under the water and she panicked. Two arms wrapped around her waist possessively. She gulped in air as she resurfaced.

"You really thought I couldn't swim?" James asked amusedly. He looked sexier without glasses, Lily mused. She tuned him out until he flicked water at her face.

"Hey!" She complained. "Drowning your girlfriend is not ok."

He winked at her. "Now that would defeat the purpose of having a girlfriend wouldn't it." Her mouth twitched as she lay her head on his chest.

"I don't want to admit it but I'm scared. There's a war coming and people are going to die. Maybe that's why everyone's eloping. James I don't want to lose you now that I have you."

He looked down at her tenderly let fiercely at the same time. "Lily you are my life. I have loved you for the last three years and I would protect you with my dying breath."

Lily couldn't help it as her heart sped up. "I love you James Potter."

He looked as if she was the only person in his eyes, and maybe she was. "I love you too Lily Evans."

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