Sticking with you

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Woop woop update :D

More Jily action because I know you guys love it

Any requests for the future chapters please comment :)



"James Potter!" the voice of Lily Evans echoed sharply around the Quidditch changing rooms, making him jump and look around wildly. "If you don't get your arse out here right now I'm coming in! All your teammates were out twenty minutes ago!"

He exchanged an amused look with his best friend. 'Let her come in' Sirius mouthed with a wink, then snuck out the back entrance with his Quidditch gear.

Ten seconds later the door burst open and she stormed in. James had managed to put some pants on, but he was still bare chested as she made her entrance.

The girl in question stopped in her tracks and stared slack jawed.

James bit back a snarky comment and smiled. "Sorry Lily I'll just get my top on and be out in a minute."

She nodded numbly. "Ah yeah of course. Meet me in the sixth floor corridor." He bit back once more, this time a wolf whistle as she exited.

He got changed as fast as possible and ran to the castle, inside and up the staircases. James managed to avoid Peeves, knock over someone then help them up and trip over a false step before finally reaching his destination.

His hand went to his wand as he saw a big burly Slytherin pushing Lily up against the wall. Another skinny tall one had her wand and was laughing maliciously as she kicked and yelled.

"Mud blood! You all will die scum." The big one spat in her face.

"Let go of her!" James roared, sending a couple of stunners at the perpetrators. They fell to the ground and Lily yelled before landing on all fours. She got up as James came over and gave him a pointed look.

"I could have handled them myself you know" she protested.

"I know" James smiled. "But us Gryffindors need to stick up for each other." He reached over and wiped the spit off her cheek with her sleeve, leaving a pink trail behind.

Then the slytherins started groaning and sitting up so James put them in a full body lock and stared them down as they woke up.

"Don't you ever threaten her or any other muggle born again or I'll curse you where the sun don't shine. Got it?" The two boys' eyes were wide with fear.

"Oh yeah" Lily stuck her head right in front of their faces. "If you try anything funny I'll report you to your Head of House." She realised her threat wasn't that scary and turned back. "And kick you in the balls."

James chuckled as they turned and walked away.

"Thanks for that" Lily smiled.


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