Lily gets the chop

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Hey sunshines

This chapter things get a little more...interesting.

I've been wanting to write this chapter for a while and I'm excited for you guys to read it :D

Vote and review x



Lily shot up with a gasp. Her heart pounded in her chest and her breaths were short and loud. Once her heart rate had gone down she sunk back into the covers. She had been getting dreams about her family more and more lately, mainly about them dying. It had nearly been a year since she had last seen them, which was last Christmas. So that meant she worried about them, even Petunia.

Slipping out of bed she tied her hair in a top knot. It was tangled and messy and really annoying her. Then she slipped into jeans and an ABBA t-shirt and headed downstairs into the common room.

"Morning Lil!" Alice stretched over the couch from where she lay draped like a cat in Frank's lap. "You heading out to Hogsmeade today? We were thinking of having a girls day."

"Oh." She had completely forgotten about Hogsmeade being this weekend. "Yeah sure I'll go change."

"By the way what is that top you're wearing?" Alice peered at the four figures striking a pose on her top.

"Uh it's a Muggle band. Don't worry, I'll be down in ten and we can grab breakfast." She hurried back up the stairs. Witches and wizards didn't get the beauty of ABBA.

So she changed into a tight tank top and slipped her leather jacket on over top. Then she marched down to meet Alice, humming Dancing Queen under her breath.

"Ready to go?" Lily asked Alice.

Her friend turned to look at her and smiled apologetically. "Sorry, change of plans. Dorcas and Marlene are going with their boyfriends so I'm just going to go with Frank. But I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Yeah." She watched their retreating figures leave the common room before flopping onto the deserted couch.

"Been ditched?" Lily jumped at the familiar baritone. She peered over the furniture to see James.

"Yeah, you too?" she asked.

"No." He pushed his glasses up and rubbed his eyes. "Studying I'm afraid, nothing too exciting. Being a Quidditch captain starts to catch up with you."

"Well if you need any help you know you can ask me." She offered, smiling slightly.

"Thanks." He gave her a rueful smile in return. "You going to get all dressed up and not go out?"

She shrugged. "I dunno..I guess not."

"Come on" he smirked. "I know a few guys who would enjoy seeing you all dressed up like that. It's a nice change."

Her cheeks flushed slightly and she gave him a thoughtful look. "You know what? I am going to go out." She stood up and strode to the portrait hole. "I need a change. Thanks, by the way."

"No problem, just bring me back a liquorice wand."

"Sure, it's the least I can do." She slung her jacket over her shoulder and walked out of Hogwarts in style.


"Are you sure you want to do this? It's so lovely and long!"

"Don't talk me out of this Jacinta. I've made up my mind."

"All right, here goes nothing."

There was silence for a while but for the rhythmic click of scissors and swish of hair.

"What do you think?"

Lily spun around and stared at her reflection. She gave a feline grin. "Perfect."


Later that night she returned, just in time for dinner in fact. She timed it so just as the Headmaster had finished speaking she swung the doors open and made her entrance into the Great Hall. Faces turned and everyone gasped as she strutted up the aisle and sat down beside Marlene and Dorcas. Food popped onto the plates.

"Mmmm! I'm starved, let's eat!" She started piling up her plate while her friends stared at her in shock.

"Wow Lily you look different" Remus commented dryly.

"It's a brave move..." Dorcas muttered.

"Yeah, what happened to your hair?!" Marlene demanded.

"Well personally I like it." James grinned at her across the table. "Makes you look even prettier."

His honesty made her blush. "Thanks James." She fingered her short wavy locks. "You know what, I like it too." She drew something out of her bag and smiled at him. "Here's your liquorice wand."

The pair smiled each other a while longer by continuing to eat their food, their friends still in a stunned silence.

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