Rats Under The Christmas Tree

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Lots of fluff and character development and not much plot because these are one-shots and I love that freedom.

Already got ideas for the next couple of chapters so those will be flowing out fast.

I'm considering changing the name of the story..any thoughts and suggestions appreciated :)

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H E R E  C O M E S  T H E  S U N


James had nearly forgotten about his friends. Until he and Lily were facing them across the breakfast table. All three of them had enormous grins on their faces. Lily was munching on her food but one hand still grasped his under the table.

It was his favourite meal - scrambled eggs with bacon and mushrooms - but the constant staring made him irritated and he soon gave up and put down his utensils.

Meanwhile Lily's plate was soon clean and she inclined her head to James and gave a warm smile. "Give my regards to your mother she is an excellent cook." Then she slid into his lap and was kissing him firmly and passionately once on the mouth. She tilted her face back to death stare the boys over his shoulder.

"Yes we made out in the stables. Yes we made out just then. You'll be seeing much more of it on a regular basis so get over it. Now I better go find Sylvia - she mentioned Christmas decorating to me yesterday." Her tall willowy figure unfolded from his lap and sashayed out of the room.

As soon as she had left all eyes fell on him. Peter looked extremely impressed.

"Maaaate" Sirius grinned. "It's about bloody time."

James raised a brow and stretched back in his chair lazily. "I knew she'd come around."

Remus got up and gave him a shove as he passed his chair. "Stop being so cocky and self-righteous or we'll toss you in the lake."

James couldn't keep the smile off his face as he finished his breakfast.


"No they go that way! Twist it around would you Wormtail."

"For Merlin's sake Padfoot I'm the one who read the bloody instructions! I told you to put the power pack on."

Peter glowered at them from his undignified position under the upright fir tree. "Hurry up would you! Haven't got all day."

James smirked down at them from where he stood up on the banister stringing tinsel. He knew he had got the easy job, he had made sure of that. But he was truly happy being at home for Christmas, with his family, friends, and the best maybe girlfriend in the entire world.

"I'll do it!" He called out, and came clomping down the stairs. James swapped positions with Peter and attached the parts needed then plugged it in. The Christmas Tree lit up and send golden beams shining around the room.

"Not half bad boys" Mark Potter admired their work from the door. "Now Sylvia and I are off last minute christmas shopping, we didn't realise we would have another guest, and leaving you home alone. Be sensible and don't touch the alcohol cabinet." He strolled off.

A short while later the boys were gathered around the fireplace. James sat right by the flames, warming his hands and daydreaming as he gazed into the flickering flames. He felt a nudge on his shoulder and turned to find Lily was walking in, a tad nervously. She had her hair in a side plait and was wearing a familiar green jumper that suited her perfectly, leggings and ugg boots. Being the gentleman he was, James got up and offered her his arm, steering her over to the couch where they sat side by side. The three others wiggled their eyebrows from where they sat on the other couch.

It was a comfortable silence, but not for long. Sirius soon stood up cleared his throat. He pretended to clink one of Sylvia's wine glasses for attention, without actually touching it for she would skewer him if he did.

"I'd like to made a speech" he announced, serious for once.

"Get comfortable, this is a rare and momentous occurrence but a lengthy one" James whispered into Lily's ear. She scooted closer to him and burrowed into his side which surprised and pleased him enormously.

"There is something weird going on out there. Deaths. Injuries. Missing people. And it hasn't quite hit us yet but it will pretty damn soon. A war is coming. We can't stop it. We just have to fight and hope. Which is why I admire those like James and Lily who are making the most of their time. Seriously." He added when Peter snorted. "I want to be happy. Which is why I'm going to follow in the footsteps of Frank and Alice and propose to Marlene." There was a unanimous gasp. Then Remus immediately brought Sirius into a bear hug.

"Dude I'm so happy for you." Soon enough everyone else was joined in a big huddle/hug with a moaning Sirius at the centre.

"She hasn't said yes yet you nobs!" he exclaimed.

"Oh she will" Lily smiled fondly, patting him on the head. "Trust me, I know."

Slowly everyone sunk into the couch cushions and dozed off, that happy moment in a world full of darkness sustaining them for now.

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