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May's POV (Elena) —

I massaged my temple as I heavily sighed, what time is it? I rolled over to the other side of my small single bed to reach my phone, it's five in the morning. Why do I have this feeling na I always wake up ng ganitong oras dati? Uhm. I have nothing to do at this time pero lagi akong nagigising and feel like may kulang o parang may hinihintay ako. Work is at eight and I have three more hours before my shift starts. I closed my eyes and decided to doze off for a moment.

"Elena, no! Do not go! You're drunk, anak. Please don't do this. Please. I'll ask your driver to drive." I heard a man's voice and he's begging.

"I can drive, dad. Mom's waiting for me at the Cafe near the office. I'll go to her and ask her to come home."

"Your mom left us for another guy, Elena! When are you ever going to accept that fact? Please. She won't be there and she'll never come back for us— nor for you!" The man yelled crying still trying to hold my arms.

The next thing I knew is... all I saw was me driving in a car with high speed and a lady standing in the middle of the road.

I woke up gasping for air, covered in sweat, and realizing everything was just a dream! A very realistic nightmare! Is it another memory of Elena? Her name was being called in my dream and I was her in that dream. I let out another exhausted sigh. When will I stop claiming I am Elena Perez? When will these fake memories stop?

I held my right head as I felt it throbbing in pain. I decided to stand up and went to my kitchen and got myself a glass of water. I am May Gonzales. I am May Gonzales. I have to wake up from these delusions. I drank my medicine and finally calmed down as I decided to set my nightmare aside and get ready for work. I glanced at my wristwatch, still seven thirty, I placed my key in my purse and walked away from my door.

I can still walk to the office then, it's just a fifteen minute walking distance. I can save money and exercise too. Killing two birds with one stone. This is a good way to train my weak body but the moment I got out of my pad, I saw a black Bugatti Veyron parked right in front of my door. Whose car is this and why is this right in front of my door? Aren't people aware of the 'Don't block the doorway' policy?

Like, ugh. Bossy rich people.

"Hi," an exasperating voice just greeted me.

I turned to see where the voice's direction came from and I saw that guy from the hospital, that annoying guy I saw on the hospital exit when I was trying to escape. The guy I just punched just because I thought I knew him. Oops. My bad.

"Well. What brought you here mister?" I answered with so much confidence.

I scanned him from head to toe. It's annoying how he only wears a plain white V-neck shirt paired with ripped jeans but still manages to look handsome. Typical outfit of a player haunting his prey. I rolled my eyes heavenward, he's the type of guy I dislike. The type who always gets what he wants, tsk. Like hell, I would be his prey.

"I came here to hear you apologize for punching me the last time we met," he answered right after I finished talking.

He took off his black shades and stared at me eye to eye. Does he think I'd feel intimidated by him looking into my eyes?

"Look. Whatever game you're up to, I'm sorry but I have no time for that. I'm going to work." I answered while passing through him and his car heading in the office's direction.

It's just seven in the morning but the weather is extremely hot and here's a guy following me around making my blood boil in annoyance.

"Look here, you miss-I'm-gonna-punch-whoever-I–see! You owe me big time for punching me and you know that! So I was thinking that you might find it hard to come and look for me so I came here instead to hear your apology. Isn't that wonderful?" He talked so fast I'm not even sure if he knew what he was actually saying.

I stopped walking and turned in his direction and he abruptly stopped on his trail.

"Okay, you mister-I-will-chase-whoever-punches-me-in-the-face-using-my-black-car-and-park-it-right-in-front-of-any-house-I-like. I'm sorry for punching your stupid face. Happy now? Can you leave now?"

I crossed my arms and arched my eyebrows as we went into our little petty staring contest. I will not lose to someone like him. He needs to know his place.

"So much confidence Missy. But yes, I chase people because I'm Chase," he answered me sarcastically with a hint of playfulness.

"And I don't care," I answered and started walking again without even turning back to see if he was still standing beside his car.

I reached the office and headed to my stall right away and started working on the usual stuff I do at work.

"May, a guy's searching for you in the lobby," the woman who I recall named Tanya, said to me while she passed my stall heading to the Fax Machine.

A guy? Who would come and see me at work? I searched for Yummie but I see no signs of her. Maybe she's busy with other stuff right now or maybe she's reporting to the manager. Or whatever. So I decided to go and see the guy in the lobby. Surprised to see it's that Chase guy!

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" I asked in all emphasized words.

He was about to answer my question when someone from behind spoke.

"May? Sino siya?" Oops. Miss Elena.

When was she interested in my affair? I don't understand these mixed feelings I am having towards my Boss. I find her annoying but amazing at the same time, these fake memories are really an annoyance.


"Elena, my dearest."

I saw amusement in his eyes as he stared at my nervous boss. It's written all over her face. But why is she on edge and nervous?

"E-excuse me? Sino ka? At bakit kilala mo ako?" Miss Elena answered with a confused look.

I stood there standing in between them waiting to hear what they were going to answer to each other. As far as my fake memory goes. Rodriguez and the Perez have a long history together that it surprised me Miss Elena right here, doesn't know her archenemy, or are these memories made up too? Well, the accuracy of these memories is not hundred percent anyway.

"You don't remember me, darling? You must have hated me so much that you decided to erase my existence in your memory, that saddens me so much," Chase answered obviously mocking her with his tone.

They have met before but Miss Elena does not remember him? Or maybe he's just a stalker that pretends to be close with her? Of course who wouldn't admire miss Elena right? Everyone does.

"May, paalisin mo na yung bisita mo pagkatapos nyong mag-usap." Miss Elena instructed me and walked away.

Miss Elena really does have an exceptional memory, Parade Perez Line has over three thousand employees here in the main branch but she knows me and Yummie who just works in the administrative department. Chase winked at me after he saw me blankly staring at him after what had just happened.

"Just leave, okay?" I demanded, still annoyed.

This guy really gets on my nerves. He just gave me a playful smile as he shrugged his shoulder.

"Okay, okay. Easy there. I've been denied and now I'm being forced to leave. I guess this isn't a lucky day for Chase. Bye then. Send my regards to Elena, okay?" He answered again with all the bubbly expressions. Wow, his mood never changes. Annoying.

Crossover | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon