Bonus Chapter- Winter's POV

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Winter's POV

"She's..." the doctor nervously stuttered.

Chase frightening the living daylights out of this doctor isn't helping matters. I sighed and rolled my eyes. This is becoming tedious. Misty was on the phone with someone in my peripheral vision. I noticed a mischievous grin on her lips. She must have another prank up her sleeve.

"Spill it!" Rodriguez burst out with his fist balled up.

Is he stupid or what? He should know the state of that girl by now if he didn't terrify the doctor. I could see the doctor's reluctance in his eyes. I'm sure this is horrible news.

"Bad news," I blurted out.

I noticed a look of perplexity in their eyes. Morons. How could they be so naive? How could they have missed it? How could they not figure it out?

"She's in a serious condition. She might die any second," I said firmly.

I returned Rodriguez's searing glance of displeasure. Is this what they signify as Mr. Perfect? Lame. How could they give him that title when he is so illiterate?

"Shut up, kiddo! Kahit Perez ka pa 'di ako magdadalawang isip na patulan ka!" he angrily hissed.

When I heard him call me kiddo, my blood ran cold. I'm not a kid! I despise it when people refer to me as a child when I am far smarter than them. I shot him a death gaze. Misty let out a short whistle, as though amused by the spectacle she is witnessing. I turned my gaze to her and looked straight at her. She surrendered by raising her hands.

"Let's make a bet then," I responded confidently, crossing my arms and daring him to gamble with me.

"I have no time playing with a kid," Rodriguez commented turning his attention to the trembling doctor.

Urgh, I so hate this guy!

"The feeling is mutual kiddo." he suddenly blurted out while letting out an exasperated sigh.

I heard Misty trying to control her laughter but failing. I looked at her in confusion.

"I can't believe you just actually blurted out what's on your mind" Misty giggled

Oh, did I just say what I was thinking out loud?! My cheeks began to flush. That was humiliating. When I regained my composure, I rolled my eyes and elbowed her. Misty is a moron. Tss. This is very humiliating.

"Brat," Rodriguez muttered.

I detest this guy so much. I smirked at him and pointed my finger at the girl sleeping soundly in her bed.

"Now, tell me what's May's condition," Rodriguez impatiently ordered.

He's a jerk. Tss. I know he understands by now; he just doesn't want to admit he's wrong and I am right.

"She is beyond saving," I uttered in a bored manner. I looked at the doctor and tilted my head. "Isn't she?"

I'm confident I am right. I know everything. No explanation is needed. I just know. End of story. A sudden memory from the past emerged...

"All of our business partners, and even my teachers, often complement me, stating that I know everything they don't. Elena, I told you I knew everything," I said sheepishly.

She smiled as she lightly tapped my head. She lowered her head to meet mine and locked her gaze on mine.

"I told you to call me Ate," she said before looking up at the sky. "You are too young to be talking about knowing everything Winter," she muttered raising her hand as if reaching for the sky.

Crossover | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon