Chapter 2 - London

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~ 5 months later

Angelina's POV

Hi, it's been a while. A lot has happened, I'll fill you in. After I found out the truth I ran off. I ran out of the school gate. I ran home and started packing my suitcases. My brain was only thinking about escaping the situation. I packed my stuff up in suitcases and after one short phone call I was on my way to the airport.

I called my aunt asking if one of her private jets were in Minneapolis. She said yes. I took a taxi to the airport and I got on the private jet. Where did I go? I flew back to London.

And let me tell you something. That day, no one came after me. No one chased after me, and no one even bothered calling. There were plenty of phones around the school that they could of used. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I haven't heard from them since.

When I arrived back in London, I realized I had an offer up for grabs. My old team were training in London. I had the offer to join them and I took it. Every since I took that offer I've achieved so much. My team and I won 3 global hockey competitions, one even being a International Teen Hockey League. That's quite an achievement considering I'm only 16.

It's currently the end of March, and the end of an amazing hockey season. The team went their separate ways, most of them ready to go to college around the world the upcoming school year, with hockey scholarships of course.

Our coach didn't want to recruit new team members, knowing that it would be weird because we've never had new teammates before. As a team we've known each other for so long and we knew that getting new members will never be the same as the OGs.

As for Coach, she got offered a job by The Goodwill Games Committee, so she left too. It was an honour to have played with the boys for 10 years of my life and to have had Coach Johnson with us the whole journey.

And if you're wondering about my apartment in Minneapolis, I sold it. I wasn't going to stay their any longer and I have no intention of returning either.

I was now on a plane back to London with Alex. I've known Alex since I was two years old. He's been a brother to me my whole life. He was also a fellow teammate on The Wolves. He's known as 'The Aggressor' in the world of hockey because he can get extremely violent on the ice, even more violent than me. But it only makes sense that he does because he's a defenseman.


We landed in London.
Alex let out a big sigh. "Finally!"
I laughed slightly.
"Alex it wasn't that bad."
"Um yeah it was. You were asleep most of the time. You can't talk." He stated.
I laughed again. "Whatever."


We walked out of the airport and sat on a bench.
"Now we wait." We said in unison.
"Thank God there isn't any paparazzi here." Alex noted. "I'm getting so sick of them."
"You and me both." I huffed.

A couple of seconds later we heard a car horn go off. We turned and saw people we didn't expect. They were both sticking their heads out of the car.
It was Allison and Ezra.

"Long time no see bitches!" Allie squealed before getting out of the car and running to hug me.
"Oh god I've missed you." I said while returning her embrace.
"I've missed you too." She replied.
"Not as much as me though." I heard a very familiar voice.

"Ezra!" I jumped into his arms. I pulled away shortly after. Alex gave Allie a hug and him and Ezra did their signature handshake. They've been doing that handshake since we were 3.


We arrived at Ezra's house. We were going to stay there while his parents were on yet another business trip. We greeted the housekeeper before going to the spare room that would be mine. I began to unpack. Alex left his bags in his room before hand.
"So, America huh?" Allie began. "What was it like, living there and all?"

"Well for starters, it's completely different from living here. I can't really compare life here and life there."
"I'm glad you came back. Especially after what those people did to you."  Ezra said, obviously referring to my old teammates.

"You're lucky I wasn't there. I would have broken that Adam guy's face." Alex grumbled. I laughed, hoping that it was believable to my friends. In reality, sadness hit me. I turned away from them and looked down at my right hand where the ring once was.

"Guys it wasn't all of them that did me wrong you know." I pointed out, turning to look at them.
"Doesn't matter. I still don't like them." Ezra replied. There was a silence. I continued to unpack and started thinking about my old teammates and friends.

I haven't seen then in over a year. They would all be in sophomore year now. Hopefully they're okay. They must have changed. They probably despise me though.

"Anyways... we watched all of your competition on T.V! You guys did so well!" Allie quickly started a new conversation. The moment she said that sentence I pulled out one of the huge trophies that I got from one of the competitions. It was perfectly polished and had my name, my teams name, the name of the competition, and first place engraved on it.

"Well we watched all your track competitions too." Alex announced.
Ezra and Allie are some of the most famous teen runners in the world. They are literally like me and Alex but in the world of track instead. They started track at the same age that me and Alex started hockey, 3 years old.

"Do you know what we should do tomorrow? We should go shopping! I haven't been to Gucci in a while!" Allie suggested.
"Yeah you can count me out. I'm meeting up with my aunt Nadia tomorrow. She's in London this whole week. You can take Ezra and Alex though." I announced, making Ezra and Alex glare at me.

We all knew that when Allie goes shopping she ends up taking ages, and buys a whole store here and there. Before the boys could think of an excuse not to go with her, she said that she was off to bed and walked out the room. Alex and Ezra huffed.
"I hate you." They said in unison.
"Love you too brothers!" I laughed before they said goodnight and left my room.


I got ready for bed and laid down, reflecting on the day that had just passed. And in about a minute I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

That was Chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed!

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