Chapter 39 - Caught Them

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Angelina's POV

Later on in the week, I presented the project that Bell and I were assigned to do together. As he was still suspended from school, the teacher let me present it by myself.

I walked into the girls bathroom during lunch and it was more quiet than usual. I looked around and saw that all the cubicles were empty except one. I could see more than one pair of feet standing in the cubicle. I stood silent.

"Thank god Grace hasn't been in for the past few days. She's honestly so annoying." I recognised the voice of Lily Wilson speaking. Everyone let out small comments of agreement.
"Well where is she?" One of the other cheerleaders asked.

"She's been saying that she's with Banks the whole time, as he's suspended. But I'm not buying it." Another one spoke.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on. Have you guys not seen how close she is with Ethan Bell?" Wilson said.
"Well yeah. They seem pretty close." One of them agreed.

"They're fucking. She told me. But because Banks is more popular she's still with him." Wilson exclaimed.
"She's only using him for popularity!?" All of them gasped.
"Exactly! And I know she's not at Banks' house right now. She's at Bell's! And they're probably fucking as we speak!"

I heard the door of the cubicle they were in open, making me run into another and shut the door. I climbed onto the toilet so they wouldn't see my feet.
"We'll just have to see how much longer it will take for Banks to catch on and break up with her." I then heard them leave the girls bathroom.


I sprinted into the cafeteria and to our table where all my friends were.
"Tea! Tea! Tea! Oh my fucking God!" I yelled.
All of them looked at me. "Spill!"
I sat down in the middle and everyone huddled closer together.
"Brown is fucking Bell behind Adam's back."

All my friends gasped.
"She's been off school for the past few days and has been telling her friends she's staying with Banks. But she isn't! She's with Bell!"
"Holy shit!" All of their faces showed pure shock.
"Then why is she still with Banks?" Kenny asked.

"For popularity." I answered.
"How did you find all this out?" Allie looked very pleased to hear all I just said.
"I went to the girls bathroom and heard them all bitching about Brown. Specifically Wilson though."
"Talk about being fake." Julie scoffed.

"I know! But that's besides the point!" Connie said. We all looked at her.
"Do you guys not see what we can do with all this information?!"
Everyone shook their heads except the girls and I.
"We can use all this and catch Brown in the action." I smirked.

"We show Banks all the information we've gathered." Julie added.
"And then we kiss their annoying, toxic relationship goodbye!" Connie said.
"For Banks' sake." Allie contributed.
All the boys looked at eachother then back at us. "You guys are brilliant!"
"We know." We all answered in unison.


We were at my house, and the plan was all set. All that was left was for it to get dark outside.
"Averman, the address." I spoke. He had the mission to find out his address.
"29 Lincoln Avenue."
"That's not far from here." Connie noted.
"Well let's go then." Alex cheered.


We were standing across the street from his house. It was pitch black outside. Our plan was simple: find Bell's bedroom window, film him and Brown with the camera we brought, and then go show Banks.

We all sighed.
"Lets just hope they aren't actually fucking." Averman whispered. "I'm too young to see that."
We then crossed the road.
"Shut up Averman, you watch porn." Jesse joked.
All of us tried our hardest not to laugh.
"I do not!" Averman protested.

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