Chapter 9 - Jealousy?

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Angelina's POV

It was now lunch. We were making our way to the cafeteria. I kept on repeating what Charlie called me in my head. I also imagined the glares that Russ and Fulton gave me. They probably thought of me the same way, and their whole group probably does.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud sigh from one of my friends. It was Allie.
"I swear to God, all the boys here behave like animals. Haven't they heard of basic manners?" Allie complained.
"Do you ever stop complaining?" Alex groaned, making Allie glare at him.

"Dont tell me you expected to find a boyfriend here." Ezra joked, and Allie punched his arm before continuing.
"Shut up. They can't even have a normal conversation, all they do is try to put their arms around me and ask me on dates."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, poor you."
Snickering erupted from the boys as we joined the lunch line.
"I need to get something from my car." Allie announced.
"I'll come with you. Save us spots guys." Ezra said.
They both walked off.

Me and Alex got our lunches and we sat at a table. I just stared at my food, not saying a word.
"Well someone's been awfully quiet." I heard Alex say.

I then felt him nudge me lightly.
"You alright?" Alex asked. I nodded and was about to turn my attention back at my lunch tray. "No, don't pull the silent nod on me. What's wrong?"
I sighed before looking at him.
"They called me a traitor." I said, sadly.

I felt him tense up next to me.
"All of them?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows. He knew who they were.
"No just one. But half of that group has been glaring at me the whole day." I replied.

Alex cracked his knuckles. "Do you want me to knock some sense into them? Because I will gladly do so. They have no right to call you that."
I looked down at my lap. "No its fine."

He relaxed his body. "Don't listen to them. If one of them calls you that again tell me and I'll get involved."
I nodded before starting to eat.

"Hey guys! What did we miss?" We turned and saw Allie and Ezra with their lunch trays. They sat down.
"Nothing." I simply said and we began a new conversation.

"So Miss Complainer, who 'tried to put their arms around you and ask you on dates' ?" Alex asked, before taking a bite out of an apple.
"I don't know their names." She replied.
"Point them out to me." I said.
She nodded and looked around and then pointed at two boys. "Them two are some of them."

I huffed "Well am I not surprised."
"Do you know them?" She asked.
The two boys she pointed out were Riley and Cole.
"You see that blonde boy. His name is Ben Cole. I knew his brother, Chris Cole, I played against him when he was on Varsity."

"And that brunette is William Riley. I played against his brother who was the Captain of the Varsity team. He made me sick. Them two act exactly like their older brother." I clarified. "They tried asking me out too."
Allie sighed. "I hate men."
"Cheers to that." I said and we clicked our juice cartons together before taking a sip.

"Hey what about us?!" Ezra asked over dramatically.
"Eh, sometimes." I joked before receiving a nudge from Alex. Laughter erupted from all four of us.


We all had Chemistry right after lunch. We walked into the classroom. The teacher greeted us. She made us wait for everyone else in the class to enter. To my luck it was the whole team. A bunch of cheerleaders walked in behind them. That was everyone I expected but then I saw a familiar face, it was Linda.

"Right class. You have assigned seats." The teacher announced making the whole class groan. All the tables had spaces for two, meaning I will have a partner. I rolled my eyes at the thought.
She began to call out the names and pointing at their desks. I saw that some people were pleased but some not so much.

"Angelina and Lucas." The teacher called. I glanced at Lucas and he smiled at me. I sighed before beginning to walk over to my desk. As I was walking past I heard someone whisper the word 'traitor' as a I walked past. I just decided to ignore it.

I sat down.
Lucas didn't say anything, he just smiled. I gave him a half smile and then the teacher began her lesson. Around 30 minutes into the class, after a independent task, she asked us to share our answers with the person next to us.

I huffed and turned to Lucas.
"Nice to see you again." He joked.
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Can we just compare our answers and be done with it?"
"Sure." He answered.

Connie's POV

The teacher put me next to Banks, the lying, cheating scum. As I turned to compare my answers with him I saw him glaring at someone. I looked in the same direction, he was glaring at Lucas and Ange talking.
I smirked. "Once a jealous prick, always a jealous prick."

He scoffed "Shut up Moreau. Why would I be?"
"Well you're glaring at them two way too much. What, do you want her back?" I provoked.
He turned to look at me and glared, but said nothing.

"Awww, did I find out your little secret?" I asked innocently.
"Listen. I've moved on. There's nothing that can make me go back. I've moved on and I suggest you do the same."
I scoffed. "Whatever you say."


Angelina's POV

It was currently the end of the day and we got in the car to go home. I shut the door and sighed loudly.
"That was so fucking long!" I groaned.
"Tell me about it." Alex and Ezra said in unison.
"Lets go home. I need to get out of this school." Allie said and began to drive home.

That was Chapter 9! Hope you enjoyed!

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