Chapter 35 - Stay The Night

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Angelina's POV

Charlie and I were currently walking to class.
"I hate history." Charlie groaned.
I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it."
As we were walking, we passed Riley and Cole. We said 'hi' to them and they returned it, before walking away.
"They've been very distant." Charlie said.

"Yeah. Ever since the dinner party last week they've been hanging out less with us." I noted. "I wonder why."
"They barely look at us too. That was the first time I've looked them both in the eyes this week." Charlie told me.
"We'll find out why eventually."


They day dragged on and we were now in practice. While everyone was doing laps I skated up to Coach.
"Coach, can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What's up?"
"What's going on with Cole and Riley? I mean, they aren't at practice today."
Coach sighed, before blowing his whistle. Everyone skated to us.

"If I answer I think all of you should know." He said to me.
Everyone looked confused.
"I know you all are probably wondering where Riley and Cole are."
Everyone nodded.
"They quit the team."
"What!?" Everyone was in complete shock.

"They started playing for a team outside of school."
"Well, I didn't see that one coming." I mumbled and Charlie nodded in agreement.
"But not to worry. Nothing will change, even if they're gone."
We all nodded and went back to warm ups.


"Good work today! See you tomorrow morning." Coach announced before leaving the locker room.
We were currently taking of our pads, and getting ready to hit the showers, in complete silence.
"Who do you think Riley and Cole joined?" Guy asked.

"No clue." Everyone replied.
"But all I know is that the team has to be really good, otherwise their parents wouldn't allow it." I spoke, getting nods from my teammates.
"What if they joined the Hawks?" Goldberg asked, in sort of a scared tone.

"Goldie, they can only join the Hawks if they go to Pittsford Academy." Alex said, taking off his shirt and grabbing a towel. He walked towards the showers. I stood up and grabbed a towel and my clothes, before walking towards the girls showers.


Adam's POV

The moment I got home from practice I was informed by my mom that we were going to have guests over. When she left the room I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, and went upstairs. I entered my room and shut the door. I put my bags down and then placed the ice pack on my collar bone.

It was healing, but the game against the Hawks made some of the pain come back. It wasn't broken but it still was very red and had many bruises. I quickly turned my attention away from it, not really wanting that to be on my mind too.
I sat on my desk and began my homework


Later on, maybe two hours later, I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in."
My door opened and my dad appeared.
"Come downstairs, dinner's ready."
I nodded, shut my textbook and dropped my pen before getting up and leaving my room.

As I was going down the stairs I heard a lot of laughter. When I reached the dining room my heart immediately jumped to my throat.
"Well Adam, aren't you gonna greet your old friends?" My dad asked.
McGill and his family along with Larson and his family were sat at the dinner table.
"Umm... what's going on?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"We invited them over for dinner. Considering that you guys havent talked in a long time." My dad clarified.
We aren't friends. I thought. And never will be again.
"Great." I said quietly before sitting down between my mom and dad.

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