Chapter 18 - Friends Again?

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Connie's POV

We heard a knock at the front door and my mom said she would get it. After we heard the door open there was a silence which confused us all. After a minute the door shut and I saw my mom walk back into the kitchen. I just brushed it off.

We continued to talk but not long later we all heard someone knock on the door frame. Our heads turned, and my heart dropped. I couldn't believe my eyes. Ange, was standing in my living room, looking right at us.
"Can we talk?" She asked. No one said anything. "If this isn't a good time I can-"

"No no, it's ok. Come sit." I said. All she did was nod before joining our little circle that we were sat in on the floor.
"I know you all are wondering why I came here to 'talk', considering that I haven't looked you in the eyes at all, ever since I came back, which I'm extremely sorry about."

"I wanted to talk about everything that happened, so we can all form the truth about the situation. And so we can forget the chaos and the drama that has happened in the past." She explained, in such mature words. We all noticed that it must have taken her a lot of bravery to come and talk to us about what we did.

"We would like that, a lot actually." Kenny spoke up. She gave him a smile.
"We're sure you were, and still are, extremely confused about what has happened, especially after you came back." Julie said and Ange nodded in response.

Angelina's POV

"You can tell me your side of the story and I will follow with mine. If that's okay with you." I said, and without another word they all looked at Connie and she began to speak.

"The day you left was filled with panic and worry. No one knew where you were, no one knew if you were safe. The whole day everyone was on edge. We all went to look for you after school. We checked every possible place you would go to. We even went to look for you at your house but when we entered, we saw that the whole apartment was empty."

"We weren't sure where you went. Every day after that got worse. We, the whole team, didn't speak to each other for a total of 5 days. After those 5 days were over, instead of us not talking to each other, we began to do the opposite. Most of the time after that, we yelled at each other every chance we got, trying to pin point the blame of you leaving on one another." Julie said, sadly.

"After a total of a week of non stop yelling and arguing, we found out that Banks got a new girlfriend. Charlie, Russ, Luis, Fulton, and Guy congratulated him, telling him that it was good that he moved on from you, and they started talking shit about you. This of course pissed us off." Dean explained.

"All of us were up on our feet, defending you and calling them out. They were saying horrible things, even Linda stepped in. Then things escalated. A fight broke out, a vicious fight between the the two parts of our, once united, team. Linda took part too, which she wasn't proud of." Goldberg continued.

"Unfortunately, the fight happened right in the middle of the cafeteria, meaning that teachers got involved. Around 7 teachers, including Coach Orion and the Dean were pulling us apart. Everyone were covered in bruises, some even blood. After that, they called in our parents and held a board meeting to decide our punishment." Kenny carried on.

"We clearly didn't get expelled but we got a months worth of detention. After that board meeting, the whole team decided that its better to part ways. The half that defended Banks stayed together and our half, that defended you of course, stayed together." Dwayne commented.

"This was also the reason that couples like Linda and Charlie and Guy and Connie broke up. Thankfully, summer break was coming up so we didn't have long left. Everthing was alright until we had to go back to school again in September." Goldberg said.

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