Chapter 38 - Operation Hickey

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Angelina's POV

I was currently sitting in history about to die of boredom. But my boredom was cured when my eyes spotted something... interesting.

I looked around the classroom to get Allie's or Connie's attention but I couldn't. So I ripped a piece of paper and wrote 'look at Dean'. I scrunched it up and threw it straight to Connie. It hit her head, making her give me a confused look.

"What?" She mouthed to me.
I gestured to the note that was now on thr floor. She picked it up and opened it. After she read it, she looked at Dean then me. The biggest smirk formed on her face. Allie noticed our interaction and looked at us both with a curious look. Connie passed the note to her.

When Allie opened it she looked at Dean too. She then looked at me and reacted the same exact way as Connie. And you're probably wondering what he was doing to make me pass the note in the first place. He was staring at her in such a loving way. Like she was the only person in the room.


I walked out of history. I saw Dean walking somewhere ahead, so I went and caught up with him.
"I saw you in history."
"What do you mean Ange?"
"Dont pretend you weren't staring at Julie the whole lesson."
An obvious blush formed on his face. "Shut up." He walked of quickly, making me laugh.


Practice finished and we were now leaving the locker room. Ezra and Allie were waiting for us outside.
"You bitches are walking." I said to Alex and Ezra.
"What?! Why!?"

"Because the girls and I have places to be." I said.
"Can't you walk?" Ezra asked.
"Its my car bitch." Allie yelled from somewhere behind us.
"And Ange drives it because you can't." Alex answered back.
"Shut up."
The whole team started snickering.


"Julie, he totally likes you!" I exclaimed.
We were all currently at Connie's, the boys decided to go to mine. We had just told Julie how Dean was staring at her in history. "And when I said that I saw him staring after, he started blushing hard. And Dean never blushes."

"No he doesn't." Julie denied.
"Okay. Answer this. Do you like him?" Allie asked. Her cheeks went bright red. We all started squealing.
"I knew it!" Connie yelled.
"We've had a few little... moments." Julie confessed.

We all froze. "What sorts of moments?" I raised my eyebrows.
"We've locked eyes a few times." She said. "And when we're alone he calls me..."
"What?" We all asked in excitement.

We all started screaming.
"He's in love with you!!!"
"I can't be sure though." Julie said, making me slap my hand on my forehead in disbelief.
"Lets put that to the test, shall we?" Allie suggested.
We all looked at her, and she gestured for us to sit down with her on the floor.


We agreed before we left for Connie's to meet the boys at my house at seven. So now was the perfect time to act.

"Do you think this will work?" Julie asked. We had a plan. We were going to use makeup to paint a fake hickey on Julie's neck. After that, she would walk around Dean and his reaction will determine if he likes her.

Allie was adding the final touches to what looked like a very realistic hickey.
"It better." Allie said. "Or that means my art skills are shit."
We all laughed.


We arrived back home and opened the door as quietly as possible. We took our shoes off and walked towards the living room.
"Are they in there?" Allie whispered.
Connie peaked inside before looking back at us. She nodded. "Target is in position."

I smirked. "Operation Hickey is now in action"
"Lets do this!" Allie grinned cheekily.
When we entered the living room, all the boy looked at us.
"What took you guys so long?" Charlie asked.
"We had shit to do." I answered, bluntly.

Zeus ran over to me excitedly, making me turn my attention away from the boys. "Hey bud!"
I walked over to one of the empty couches and sat down. Zeus followed and sat next to me. I grabbed one of his toys and started playing with him. But I kept on looking back at Dean discreetly.


We decided to watch a movie. No one had noticed the hickey on Julie's neck yet, which didn't really surprise me. They boys were really dumb when it comes to noticing small changes.

Zeus was snuggled into me as I watched the movie. I eventually caught Dean staring at Julie, but not in the same way he was in history. This time he looked angry. He grabbed the remote and paused the movie. Everyone looked at him, clearly annoyed.
"Julie can I talk to you in private please?"

Allie, Connie and I slapped our hands over our mouths in unison. Julie nodded and Dean led the way out of the room. Julie gave us one finally glance before leaving the room. The moment they both left, Allie Connie and I squealed loudly.

"What now?" Charlie chuckled.
I rolled my eyes.
"Charlie, have you not seen the way those two look at each other the past few weeks?" Connie asked.
"I have." He replied. "We all have."
"Then why didn't you do something about it?" Allie asked.

"Because we thought they would figure it out on their own." Averman explained.
Allie, Connie and I rubbed our foreheads in disappointment.
"See. This is a pure example of why men are stupid." I spoke.
"HEY!" The boys all yelled.

"We aren't stupid!" Goldberg defended.
"Look at them now. We were right!" Russ argued.
"They're only together right now because of our help!" Allie yelled.
"Huh?" All the boys now looked puzzled.

"We painted a fake hickey on her neck to see how he would react." Connie told.
"Oh." They all replied, looking kind of embarrassed.
"Idiots." I muttered.

The moment we went silent we heard yelling coming from the other room. The girls and I looked at each other before getting up and sprinting to the other room. They were arguing in the kitchen. We hid so they couldn't see us.

"I'll ask one more time! Who gave you that hickey?!" Dean yelled.
"Why is that any of your business?!" Julie asked.
"Because..." Dean went quiet.
"Well clearly if you can't give me a valid explanation-"

Dean then went up to her. He pulled her closer before kissing her. All three of us gasped quietly. We ran out the room and back into the living room. The moment we went in, we started screaming with joy.

"Why are you screaming!?" Ezra asked, while covering his ears like the rest of the boys.
"They're kissing!" We answered.
All the boys got up and ran to see for themselves. They came back quickly though, and all of them were laughing.

"What did you do?" I glared.
"Oh nothing." Luis laughed.
Dean and Julie came back into the room, both were red in the face. I looked at Alex and Charlie, who were standing next to me.
"You fucking cock blocks."

That was Chapter 38! Hope you enjoyed!

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