Chapter 37 - Suspended

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Adam's POV

"I am extremely disappointed and disgusted by your behaviour. You do realise there will be very severe consequences for your actions!?" Buckley screamed at us.

We were currently in his office, surrounded by not only him but by a bunch of other teachers.
"Yes sir." We both muttered.
"I will call your parents. And you will both receive a three day suspension." Buckley said.

Thankfully, my dad was on a business trip and mom chose to go with him, so they won't be back for another week and a half.
"Now get out of my office. See you next week, Thursday. Hopefully you'll learn your lesson by then." Buckley spoke. We nodded and got up. Bell and I went down seperate routes of the school to leave.

What have I got myself into?


Angelina's POV

"He's been suspended?!" Everyone bellowed.
We were currently in the locker room getting ready for a game. We hadn't heard anything on Banks the whole day. Thankfully Coach told us.
"How long for?" Charlie asked, as he put on his pads.

"Three school days." Coach replied. "Look I know you guys care about him. Unfortunately that's all I know. Don't stress yourselves out about Banks not being here. Everything will be fine. I just need your heads in the game."
"Yes sir." We all replied.

"Everyone ready?" He asked.
We all nodded, grabbed our sticks and put our helmets on, before following Coach.
I was walking slowly with Connie and Julie, behind everyone else.
"I'm worried about Banks." I stated.
"We know." They both replied in unison.

"He'll be fine Ange." Connie said.
"Everything will be fine." Julie added.


We won the game by a lot. 15-2. We were currently in the locker room.
I took a shower and got dressed.

I took a shower and got dressed

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(Without the bag)

"Good game today guys! See you next week, have a restful weekend." I heard Coach yell, before leaving the locker room.

Everyone got ready and we left the locker room. Allie, Ezra, Alex and I got in the car as always and drove home. Later on the whole team met at my house. We sat in a circle in the living room, around 5 boxes of pizza. Zeus was sitting on my lap of course.

"Wasn't Banks supposed to come?" Averman asked.
"Should one of us go check on him?" Charlie asked.
"I'll go." I announced, making everyone look at me. I had already stood up.

"Do you want one of us to come with you?" Ezra asked.
"Nope. I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it." I said before leaving the room.


Banks' house was now in sight. I eventually reached his driveway and saw a black car along with a pink car, which left me a bit confused. Before I could even get close to his front door it opened, making me run behind a bush and hide.

I saw Brown walk out of his house. Banks came out after her and opened the door of the car for her. They kissed, making me gag quietly. She got in her car and drove off, and Banks returned to his house and shut the door.

I waited a few minutes to pass before coming out of my hiding spot. The only reason was because I didn't want him to think I saw them. I went to his front door and rang the door bell.

The door opened shortly after. Banks stood there, and looked quite surprised to see me. "Sparks?"
My eyes scanned him. He had bandages around his knuckles. He had a black eye too. But I couldn't help but notice all the hickeys on his neck. "Looks like someone's gotten busy."

"Seriously Sparks. What do you want?"
"Doesn't matter. I have no business here." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist, pulled me into his house and shut the door.
"Why did you come here?"

"I came to check on you because the whole team in worried." I admitted. "But looks like you were with your girlfriend."
"You came to check on me?" He asked.
"Only because the group nominated me." I lied. "Dont flatter yourself."

He didn't say anything after that. He gestured for me to go into the living room, and I obeyed. The moment I stepped into the room one specific memory came back to me, the night we had our huge argument. The night I confronted him after he ignored me for days. The night he accused me of cheating.

I looked around and spotted a red bow on the floor and I automatically knew who's it was.
I picked it up and examined it, and all it did was fill me with revulsion. I heard Banks come into the room.
"I think I should go." I walked over to him and handed him the red bow. "Make sure you give this back to your girlfriend."

He took the bow in his hands but didn't say anything. I avoided eye contact with him. I went to the front door and opened it. It was now pitch black outside. I heard the dangling of keys behind me which made me turn around.

"You're not walking home in the dark by yourself." Banks then stepped out of the house and I followed. He locked his front door and went to his car. He unlocked it.
"Since when can you drive?" I asked.
He shrugged, before getting in the car. I soon got in the front seat.


He pulled up to my driveway and parked the car. I got out the car and I noticed Banks wasn't getting out. I looked at him. "You can come in if you want."
He nodded and got out the car, then locked it. We then both walked in silence to my front door.

"Thanks for the drive." I said before unlocking the door and going in. We both took our shoes off and I led the way to the living room.
"I'm back!" I announced as I walked into the living room. Banks followed me inside.

"Hey Banks." Everyone greeted.
"How are you feeling?" Guy asked.
"I'm fine." He sat down and all the boys started talking to him. Julie, Connie and Allie were staring at the hickeys on his neck. They all looked at me after. I nodded for then to follow me and we left the room unnoticed.

We went upstairs and into my bedroom.
"Spill." All three of them said as I shut the door.
"When I arrived I saw Brown's car in the driveway." They all gagged when I mentioned her name.
"I had to hide in the bushes until she left."

"And?" They all asked.
"I knocked on the door and he opened it ofcourse." I went and sat on the floor next to them. "He had hickeys all over his neck."
"Him and Brown? Ew!" Julie had a look of disgust on her face.
"Tell me about it." Connie agreed.

"He invited me in. I went into the living room and saw a red bow that Brown usually wears on the floor, and I picked it up."
All three of them gagged.
"I gave it to him and said that I should leave. He drove me home and that's all."

"Why are men like this?" Julie rolled her eyes.
"Ugh. They're men Jules. What do you expect?" Connie groaned and layed on the floor, making us all laugh.
"She's not wrong." Allie agreed.
"Allison I swear you have a boyfriend that's literally downstairs." I laughed.

"Yes I do. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't piss me off on a regular basis." She admitted, making us all burst into laughter seconds later.

That was Chapter 37! Hope you enjoyed!

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