Chapter 31 - Ducks v.s Hawks

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Angelina's POV

"Woah! An incredible goal by Angelina The Hothead! She scored in the first 30 seconds of the game. If she continues like this, the Hawks better watch out."

"Alright! Change it!" Coach yelled.
As I skated to the box I got pushed over, falling on the ice. I looked up and saw the so-called secret weapon. Fanger. He went to say something but was immediately checked into the board right next to me. He hit the ice. I looked up and saw Alex with his hand reached out. I took it and got up.

"Why thank you Dalton."
"Son, in the box." The ref came up from behind us.
"I barely touched him!" He said, before skating to the penalty box.


I was currently in the box. Everything was going good. We were leading for a while, but the game took a turn very quickly. Charlie had the puck and was skating down to the goal. Riley and Cole were skating by his sides. They kept on passing to eachother until they got to the goal. Then out of the blue, 3 Hawks crashed into them before any of them had a chance to shoot. All three hit the ice.

Everyone that was in the box stood up and started yelling in protest. The audience did too.
"Come on ref!" Coach bellowed. I looked over at the Hawks' box and saw Reilly cackling evilly.
"This is bullshit." I grunted and everyone in the box nodded in agreement. One of the Hawks had the puck, he made his way down the ice and scored. "Shit." I muttered.
"We'll get that one back!" Coach reassured.

My eyes wondered around the stands. My eyes eventually landed on Allie and Ezra. Next to them was Linda. Even from a far I could tell her eyes were beginning to fill with tears. Her eyes didn't leave Charlie. She watched him as he got up and continued playing. This girl is in love with him I swear.


"Moreau, Wu, change it." Coach commanded.
"Lets go Connie!" I cheered.
"Be careful. They might hurt you." Guy spoke up, making me turn to look at him with my eyes widened.
Connie scoffed. "I'll be fine! Like you would care anyway." She skated away from us.

Moments later, Banks got checked. I winced as he hit the board. The whole crowd booed. My eyes didn't leave him until I was sure he was okay. He got up immediately and continued playing. I then felt someone nudge me. It was Alex. He looked at Adam then back at me and wiggled his eyebrows. I knew what that meant. I punched his shoulder instantly.


The Hawks were getting closer and closer to Julie. One of them took a shot and scored. The score was now 2-1 to them.

"And there goes another point to the Hawks. The Ducks seem to be falling behind. Hopefully they catch up."

I began to worry if we would be able to handle the Hawks. At the moment they weren't being as violent as they were in the last game, but I knew they had something up their sleeve. I just knew.


The buzzer went off signalling the end of the first period. I sighed before leaning my forehead against Alex's shoulder.
"I don't like this at all." Charlie stated.
"You think I do, Char?" I asked. "I literally want to kill them all." I snarled, while keeping my head on Alex's shoulder.
"You alright Banksie?" Russ asked, making me slowly look up.

We all looked at Banks. He was staring down at his lap. It didn't seem like he heard Russ at all.
"Banks, mate. You alright?" Alex asked. Still no response. We all looked at eachother with concern.
"Adam." I said, softly. His head shot up immediately. He looked straight at me. "You okay?" I asked.
He just nodded. "Come on team. Let's go to the locker room." Coach said.

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