Chapter 15 - Their First Game

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Angelina's POV

We were walking in for the game. We quickly found our seats. They were close to the front, only 4 seats away from the Dean. Next to him, no surprise, was Tom Riley. Rick and William Riley's father. He was at all of our games in freshmen year too.

"Ah! Angelina! It's a pleasure seeing you here! I see you've brought the others too!" The Dean greeted, making all the preppies around him including Riley turn around and look at me.
"Umm... yeah." I said, awkwardly.
"Hope you enjoy the game you four." The Dean said and we all nodded before looking away.

"And here they come, The Eden Hall Ducks. Boy, this will be very, very interesting game. This is their second game of the season. In their last game they crushed the opposing team 12-1, so there are high expectations for the Ducks today."

The team all skated to Orion, huddling together. Moments later they started doing their iconic chant.
"Quack! Quack! Quack! Gooooooooo Ducks!" They yelled.
I mouthed the chant along with them as they yelled. Starting off, Julie was in goal, Reed and Holland were in defence. Banks, Conway and Jesse were foward.

Jesse's POV

As I skated to my spot I looked around, trying to find Ange. I soon spotted her and waved. She smiled and waved back of course. As I turned around I saw Charlie and Adam glaring at me from a far. I got to my spot and got in position, ready to start the game.

Adam's POV

As soon as we finished chanting I pushed past Ken and Goldberg. As I was skating to my spot I saw Grace stand up, clapping and smiling at me. She blew me a kiss which I pretended to catch and place on my cheek. But something drew my attention away from my girlfriend.

Charlie came up to me and pointed at someone, it was Jesse. He was waving and smiling at someone too. I laughed to myself, thinking about how he could possibly have a girlfriend but I soon stopped. I realised who it was. He was waving at Sparks. Why is she here?
We both began to glare at him. Could he be dating my ex?

I brushed it off and got into position to start the game.

Kenny's POV

As we finished chanting, I was pushed over by Banks. I fell on the floor. Julie immediately held out a hand and I took it. I was used to getting pushed over by anyone on the other half, all of us were by now. I sat down on the bench next to Connie. I glanced at each member of the team on the ice and saw that Jesse was waving at someone.

I looked in the same direction. My jaw dropped in a surprise and happiness. It was Ange! Ange came to one of our games! Ange is watching us!
I quickly turned to my friends "Guys look!" I pointed in her direction. "Ange is here!"

All my friends looked up and saw Ange and her 3 friends there. Their reactions to seeing her were the same as mine.
I heard someone scoff. "Look at you, so exited to see a traitor."
We all turned and saw William, and the rest of the jerks were laughing along. We all got up, ready to fight them yet another time.
"Hey! All of you calm yourselves and sit down!" Coach yelled and we obeyed.

Angelina's POV

The game began.
"Number 99, Adam Banks, immediately gets the puck at centre ice. He passes it to Captain Charlie Conway who sprints down the ice. For the past year and a half, Conway had been the only Captain of the Ducks. He passes it over to Jesse Hall, he shoots he scores!"

I stood up and cheered for Jesse as he skated around the rink in celebration. As he passed me, he waved again.
Orion then immediately called for a change. Dean swapped with Reed. Lucas stayed on and so did Jesse. Connie and Kenny swapped with Banks and Conway.


The team were doing extremely well, but it started going down hill in the second period. The other team caught up with points fairly quickly. The two halves of the team weren't mixing. They refused to play at the same time with someone on the other half. I see what Linda meant by 'they play differently'.

Orion seemed to be running out of ideas and the team looked like they were losing hope, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I pulled out a pen and paper and watched the opposition closely, studying their every move.


Then the buzzer went off.

"Oh! And there goes the buzzer. It's the end of the 2nd period folks and the score is 5-5. The Ducks went down hill in this period. From what it looks like, it will take something amazing to turn this game back around. If the Ducks don't start cooperating with each other, they'll lose."

I read over my piece of paper, before placing it in my pocket. "I'm just going to the bathroom." I said to the Allie, Ezra and Alex. They nodded and I got up. I took a corner and saw the team just walking into the locker room. I ran up behind them and grabbed Jesse's arm. He was the last one about to go in.
"What the-. Ange?" Jesse said,  obviously puzzled.

"Take this! I've been making notes on each player of that team. Use it so you can create smarter tactics. You need this to win." I explained.
He simply nodded and hugged me quickly before walking into the locker room. I then returned to my seat in the stands.

Jesse's POV

I walked into the locker room with the piece of paper Ange gave me.
"Jesse, what's that?" William asked.
I can't say that Ange wrote this or they will refuse to create new tactics. Think Jesse, think.

"It was stuck to the wall next to the door. It's seems that someone's studied our opponents for us. They've put each player's strengths and weakness. We could use it to create tactics." I said, playing it cool and hoping they would believe me.
"Really?!" Luis asked, getting up to look at it.

"The person must know a lot about hockey, look at all this. There's literally a paragraph for each player." Fulton pointed out.
Oh, the person does, she definitely does.
"That's very useful indeed." Orion stated. "Give it to me." And so I did.
"I wonder who wrote it." Ben said.
"Me too." Everyone agreed.


Angelina's POV

They walked onto the ice again. Jesse made direct eye contact with me and nodded. I understood the nod. Hopefully they win.


They started getting better, they got the score up to 10-5 in around 7 minutes. However, the two halves were still not mixing together. The buzzer went off. The third period was over and the Ducks won. I stood up and cheered for them.

That was Chapter 15! Hope you enjoyed!

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