Chapter 42 - The Project

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Angelina's POV

I heard the door bell ring so I went downstairs. I opened the front door and saw Adam standing there.
"Come in." I moved away from the door so he could come inside.

He followed me upstairs and into my bedroom. I shut the door after he entered. I then grabbed my things from my desk and sat on the floor. Adam had already taken a seat on the floor, and leaned against a wall.

"Does a timeline sound good to you?" I asked as I flipped through the pages of my history textbook.
"Yup." He said, popping the 'p'.
"Great. Let's get on with it then."


Adam's POV

I finished my part of the project and looked over at Ange. She was so concentrated on her part of the project. I couldn't help but stare at her. My eyes scanned her body and eventually landed on something weird.

Her shirt had rolled up a bit, revealing some skin of the side of her body. It was all bruised up, making a worried feeling rise in me. Where the hell is that from? If that's from Bell he's dead.

She noticed me staring at her side, making her pull her shirt down. The bruises were no longer in sight. She stood up. "Could you possibly concentrate more on the project than me?" She walked towards her desk. She now had her back to me.

"I've finished it." I stood up and followed her. I stood close behind her. She grabbed more stuff that she needed and turned around. Then she met my eyes.

We stared into each other's eyes for a while. I then tried to pull her closer to me but she pushed my hand away, startling me.

Angelina's POV

I pushed his hands away, startling him. "Stop it. Before we do something we both will regret."
"Who said I will regret it?" He asked. I looked at him in awe, not knowing what to say. He took a step closer to me, making me take a step away from him.

He laughed to himself and shook his head. "You don't trust me do you?"
I knew the answer, but I didn't speak.
He scoffed. "I'm not surprised."
"How could you expect me to trust you after what you did?" I glared at him.

He shook his head again. "There it is. The resentment and anger I knew you had towards me."
"How long have you been waiting for me to lash out at you Banks!? To yell at you, for your actions!"
"It was a mistake-"

"Oh a mistake? A mistake that carried on to become a year and a half long relationship!"
"Listen I was angry-"
"Because you thought I was cheating on you!" Tears were now streaming down my face. I had been hiding these feelings for so long, and I guess I couldn't hold them in any longer.

Adam's POV

I sighed. "Listen. I'm sorry."
"No." She shook her head. "If you were sorry you would've come and told me yourself, instead of me having to find out from Dwayne two days later."
I stayed silent once more.

"And you wouldn't of asked Grace out." Her voice cracked, as more tears ran down her face.
I let out a frustrated huff. "Don't you understand?!"
"Understand what exactly!?"
"That I never loved Grace!"
She scoffed. "Whatever. We both know that's bullshi-"

Angelina's POV

He didn't let me finish my sentence. He pulled me closer and smashed his lips against mine. And too his surprise and my own, I kissed him back. Our lips were moving in sync. I felt butterflies in my stomach, the same butterflies I remember him giving me two years ago.

Adam's POV

I pulled away from her and looked into her hazel eyes.
"I never loved Grace. She was only a distraction." I placed my hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears away. "I never had feelings for her. I only had feelings for you."

She looked down at the floor. "Banks. I don't know."
I took a step way form her. "After everything I just said, all you reply with is 'i don't know'?" I scoffed.
"I was hurt Adam." She looked up at me. "And I still am. I don't know if I can-"

"Don't finish that sentence." I said. She tried to take my hand but I yanked it away. "I get it. You don't trust me anymore."
I turned and grabbed my bag, and left her room. I went down the stairs and reached the front door.

I left the house and got in my car, before driving away. She doesn't trust you Adam. There's no point.


Angelina's POV

"He kissed you!?" I called all the girls over immediately after Banks left. When I told them, they were gobsmacked.
"Say it louder, yeah?" I said with pure sarcasm in my tone.
"So what now?" Julie asked.
"What do you mean, 'what now'?" I asked.

"What happens between you two?" Allie elaborated.
I shrugged, before letting out a loud groan. I jumped on my bed in frustration. "I'm so conflicted."
I saw the girls join me on the bed.

"Before tonight I knew that nothing could ever make me care for him again." I sighed. "But now that he kissed me and told me that he practically still has feelings for me, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should give him another chance."

"Maybe giving him a chance won't be such a bad idea." Connie advised.
I grabbed a pillow and hid my face in it for a moment before chucking it across the room. "Giving him another chance means that I need to fully trust him. At the moment, that trust is very little."

"More like non-existent." Julie stated. "Ange, he cheated on you for goodness sake. Of course your trust for him will be very little."
"I know." I looked at them. "If I was to give him a chance, how can I be sure he's being genuine?"

"Let his actions going forward determine that." Allie said. "See how things go for the next few weeks."
I nodded slowly, agreeing with her idea.


Adam's POV

"You kissed her!?!" All the boy exclaimed. The moment I got home I called them to come over.
"Can you be a little more quiet?" I hissed, making them all shut up.
"She doesn't trust me. At all. It was clear." I ran my hands over my face in distress.

"Well then there's only one option left, isn't there?" Alex voiced. We all looked at him. "You need to find a way to gain her trust back."
I sighed. "I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Hey. You're the one that said you still have feelings for her!" Kenny brought up.

"Yes but she doesn't like me back-"
"For God's sake Banks, you cheated on her! How can you expect her to trust you all of the sudden?" Dean brought up.
"It was a mistake!" I grunted. I felt my body fall back onto my bed. "Its my biggest regret." I muttered.

"Then you need to show her that you regret it." Guy said.
"You need to show her that you really do care about her." Fulton added.
"You need to show it through your actions." Ezra continued.
"And that's when she'll start to trust you again." Charlie chimed in. "You need to give her time."

I stayed quiet for a moment, considering the things they all told me. I then nodded. "Fine. I'm up for it."
All the boys began to cheer. "That's what I'm talking about!"
"Whoop whoop! Operation Adelina is now in action!" Averman spoke over everyone.

"Adelina?" I questioned.
"Your ship name, cake eater!" Jesse laughed.
I threw a pillow at him and looked away, trying to hide the blush forming on my face.
"Awww is Banksie blushing?" Jesse joked again.
"Jesse fuck off!"'

That was Chapter 42! Hope you enjoyed!

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