Chapter 25 - Gossip

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Angelina's POV

"Well done today team! Great game! Now hit the showers and I'll see you on Monday. We have practice at 5 a.m." Orion announced and left the locker room. I made my way towards the shower with a towel and my clothes.
After I showered I got changed.


I went back to my stuff

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I went back to my stuff. All my friends were still showering, so I was the first one ready from my group. I saw all the jerks sitting in their places, looking like they were waiting for us to finish using the showers.
"You done?" Cole asked.
I gave him a small nod.

"You go shower first Russ." Charlie said to him. Russ grabbed a towel a went the showers.
Gradually, more of my friends finished showering, and more of the jerks went to shower. Luis, Lucas and Jesse were the last three people left. When another shower was free, Luis decided to go.

He grabbed a towel and clothes and started heading towards the shower. Before he got there he stopped next to me. I looked at him in confusion.
"You played great today Ange." He said, quietly. He gave me a pat on the shoulder and a smile before going to shower. What he said put a huge smile on my face. That was the first time I've talked to anyone from the other half that's not Charlie, Banks, Lucas, Jesse, Riley or Cole.

As I was packing my last few things away, I felt someone pull me into a hug. It was Jesse. I hugged back of course.
"Luis meant what he said you know." He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him. "He just didn't want to risk talking to you when the others were around. Charlie would've gone crazy and given him a bunch of shit for talking to you."

I nodded. "Yeah well, Charlie's an idiot." I whispered back. Jesse let out a quiet laugh. "That's true."
"If any of them bother you about talking to me, tell me. I would gladly beat them up." He started laughing at my comment. "I'm being serious Jesse."
"Fine. Fine. I will. But anyway I need to talk to Connie." He announced and walked towards Connie.


We were going to Connie's house for a sleep over, like we normally did on Fridays. I walked out the locker room and to my car. We agreed to all meet at Connie's. I walked to the car and saw Allie, Ezra and Alex leaning on it. I unlocked it, making them jump. They looked at me. "You bitch" Ezra grunted.

I laughed and put my gear in the back. We all got in the car.
"So when exactly were you gonna tell us you joined the team again?" Allie asked.
"I wanted to surprise you!" I explained.
"We did good Ange." Alex said and we high-fived.
"You knew?!" Allie and Ezra asked in unison.

"Awww, look at the love birds speaking in unison." I teased.
"Sparks. Shut the fuck up." Ezra rolled his eyes. Alex began to tease them about it. I knew the perfect way to shut them up. I turned on the stereo and put in a tape. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen came on. They focused their attention to the music and began to sing .


We arrived at Connie's house. We sat down in a circle on the floor of the living room like we always did before.
"I'm starvinggggg!" Goldberg whined.
Averman and I looked at each other. We rolled our eyes and turned back to Goldberg.
"Of course you are." Averman laughed.

"Lets order something." Allie said. "If that's okay with everyone."
"I'll order for y'all. What do you guys want?" Connie's mum chimed in as she walked past the living room.
"Thai." Everyone said in unison. We all looked at each other before bursting into laughter. Mrs Moreau chuckled as she walked away. As she did, we heard her say something under her breath.

"That's what you call best friends." She muttered. We all turned and looked at each other and smiled.
"Anyways. I have gossip." Julie announced, making us look at her. We all simultaneously moved closer to her, and leaned forward, curious about what we were about to hear.
"Well go on Gaffney. Spill." Dean said.
"Shush Portman." Dwayne whispered.

"I was in the bathroom at school today. You know doing my business." Julie began.
"A piss or a shit?" Averman leaned in closer. I slapped the back of his head. "Averman!" Everyone yelled.
"Carry on Jules." Ezra said.
"Then I heard the bathroom door open. A group of girls walked in. One of them sounded like they were crying. All the other girls were comforting her."

"About what?" Kenny asked.
"The crying girl was talking about how her boyfriend barely acknowledges her anymore, and how they're arguing. Said he's distracted and doesn't show any affection. She said he's been paying attention to some other girl."
"What!?!?" We all gasped then leaned in closer.

"The other girls kept on comforting her. They said that they'll find out who the girl is and will, in their words, 'make her suffer'. I then flushed the toilet and they rushed out of the bathroom. Probably worried that I heard something. I left the cubicle and I saw them all." Julie finished.
"Who was she?" I asked. "The crying girl, I mean."

Then there was a short silence. "Grace Brown."
All of us gasped again, even louder than before.
"Which means... that Banks has his eyes on another girl." Connie figured.
"Probably." Ezra added.

Then there was more silence.
"Holy shit." I muttered.
"Now that's tea." Alex said.
"Who do you think Banks has his eyes on?" Kenny asked.
All their heads slowly turned to look at me. I threw my hands up in the air, annoyed at their response to the question. "Oh come on. That's bullshit."

"Even if it's not Ange, I'm not surprised." Connie admitted.
"Banks might be dating Grace Brown but there's rumours going 'round that he's fucked so many other girls recently." Dean explained.
"And you believe them?" Alex asked.
"Part of me does. He became a complete fuck boy after-. After the break up with Ange."

"Well that's heart warming." I scoffed.
Then the door bell rang.
"I'll get it!" Mrs Moreau echoed from the other room. It ended up being the Thai food. She brought us the food and we began to eat in silence, a very long silence. As I was eating, I got a thought. "Why didn't I figure this out before?"
"What?" All my friends asked.
I sighed. "Banks cheated on me with Grace Brown, didn't he? She was the English partner?"

"Unfortunately." Connie said.
"Only Julie and Connie knew who she was. We didn't find out who she is until Banks introduced her as his new girlfriend." Dean clarified.
I sat there in silence, furious with myself.
"Ange?" Kenny spoke.
"Why didn't I figure this out before!? I mean, I've had many encounters with her, I don't know how I didn't realise it sooner." I ranted.

"Of course it's a blonde bitch. I swear I'm gonna beat the fuck out of her-" Allie began to ramble. I saw Ezra cover her mouth with his free hand and hold it there.
"Allie you're blonde yourself." Alex stated.
"Shut up! At least I don't go around stealing people's boyfriends!" Allie yelled at him. Then there was a quick moment of silence once more.

"It had to be her, didn't it?" Alex rolled her eyes.
"What do you expect? She can't keep her legs closed!" Connie exclaimed.
"She's a skank." I growled.

"And Banks is blind." Averman stated.
"With a shit taste in women." Dwayne remarked.
"Oh that bitch is no woman. Not even close." Allie said.
"More like cow." I remarked, and everyone burst into laughter.
"Her and her little friends. They think they're so tough." Goldberg chuckled.

"They're quite the opposite actually." Connie laughed.
"Exactly! You know, when I told Brown she needs to be kept on a leash, she told Banks straight away." I told.
"What's he gonna do?" Ezra chuckled.
"Well, he should know by now, that if someone does something to Ange, she'll do something back." Goldberg pointed out.

"Yeah. And ten times worse." Kenny reminded.
"Damn right she will!" Everyone cheered.
"Just watch. If any of the stupid cheerleaders or the jerks bother any of you, come tell me. I'll teach them a lesson." I noted.

That was Chapter 25! Hope you enjoyed!

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