Chapter 27 - New Member

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Angelina's POV

I walked back to my stuff after getting ready.


I began to pack my things up like I always do

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I began to pack my things up like I always do. Right after, Coach Orion came into the locker room looking distressed, but didn't say anything. I looked over at my friends. We all gave each other the 'something's off' look. I turned back to face him.
"What's wrong Coach?"

He looked at all of us and sighed.
"I've seen the Hawks' tapes just now." He answered.
"And they're amazing I assume." Charlie voiced.
"They are good. But that's not the problem." Coach said.
The team and I exchanged worried looks.

"I've found out their secret weapon." Orion said.
"Really?" Luis asked.
"He's a defenseman. And I gotta admit, he's really good. And it would help if we had another player thay can be a match for him." Coach told. "But anyway, from now on we need to start working extremely hard. No win will come without hard work."
"Who is he?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "The 'secret weapon'."
"Number 20, Mark Fanger."


Adam's POV

We walked out the school and a big gush of wind hit us. In the corner of my eye, I saw Sparks shiver. The moment she did Jesse took his jacket and wrapped it around her. I tried my best but I couldn't stop myself from becoming extremely tense when I saw Jesse do that. Why are you being like this Banks?

We began to walk to the car park.
"What are we gonna do with Fanger?" Goldberg asked.
I remember Mark from when I was still a Hawk. He was a really good player from what I remember. He checked me a couple times during the game, not as hard as McGill and Larson though.

"I don't know at this point." Dwayne replied miserably.
"All I know is that it's gonna take a miracle for us to find another player that can be a match for Fanger." Averman noted.
"Is there anyone that can possibly fit the criteria that happens to go here?" Luis asked.

"Ange." Lucas said.
"Hmm?" She replied.
"You know a lot of people." Guy said.
"Your point?" She lifted and eyebrow.
"Is there anyone you know that can play a defenseman?" Connie asked.
"I don't think-" She began, but stopped herself. She then reached into her bag and grabbed her car keys, threw Jesse's jacket back to him and then ran off.

"You think she's plotting?" Kenny questioned.
"Oh she's definitely plotting." Julie chuckled.
"We'll just have to wait and see who she brings to the team." Charlie rolled his eyes.
"Damn Conway relax!" Russ yelled at him.

"She knows what's best for the team." Portman explained.
"Trust her judgement. She knows what she's doing." Kenny spoke.
"I mean, when has Ange not known what she's doing?" Connie asked.


Angelina's POV

Allie, Ezra, Alex and I drove home. I parked the car and we all got out. Allie and Ezra went on foward. Ezra's hand was around her shoulder.
"They are adorable." I said.
"Indeed." Alex agreed.
Before I had a chance to ask him a question, he walked inside.
Damn it.


Someone knocked on my door.
"Come in!"
"Ange, Ezra and I are going food shopping."
"Allie didn't you go yesterday?"
"Yeah! But most of the food disappeared. I don't know why- oh shit."
"Ezra and Alex." We said in unison, before chucking.

"Make sure you get triple the amount you normally get."
"Sure thing. See you in a bit Ange. Oh and also, Alex is staying here, so you won't be alone in the house."
"Okay. See you soon."
She left my room and soon enough I heard the front door close too.

I remembered Orion's words that I  overheard in the hallway a couple of weeks ago.

'We have 2 more roster slots open. I never even had a full team to begin the season.'

I've already filled one. I thought. There's only one more left.

I looked to my side and saw Zeus sitting on the floor next to my chair, wagging his tail.
"Wanna see what Alex the idiot is doing?" He got up on his feet. "Lets go."
We left my room and went to the living room. Alex was there, laying on the couch watching TV. He didn't notice us entering the living room.
"Alex!" I sang. No response.
"Alex!" I yelled. No response

"Fucking twat." I muttered. I walked over to the TV and unplugged it.
"Hey! What the fuck was that?"
"I need to talk to you about something."
"So you had to unplug the TV?
"Yes I did! Because a certain 6"4, black haired prat wouldn't turn his attention away from the stupid TV."
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. What did you want to talk about?"

I sat next to him.
"The team is in trouble."
"Coach found out the Hawks' secret weapon. And he's actually really good. And on top of all that, we don't have a full team. We need one more person to complete the roster."
"What do you have in mind?"
I gave him a look.

"No. No. I'm not joining the team."
He got up and tried to walk away.
"Why? There's nothing wrong with it!"
"Its not my place! I don't belong on that team! Besides Coach-"
"Coach Johnson would want you to do this." I interrupted. "She wouldn't want you to stop playing hockey. And I know you don't want to stop either."

"Alex. Think about it. You're friends with more than half of the team. And I'm there too, so you won't be alone. And you get to play hockey, the sport you're passionate about. Not only will it open up doors for colleges but it will also be super fun! And when we graduate high school, we'll go to college and play hockey like we've always wanted. Then we'll play in pros and fulfill our dreams. Together."

"I'll be with you. And we'll be amazing. Coach Johnson would be proud of you and I'm sure of it."
Then there was silence. I sat there waiting for his response impatiently.
"Lets show the world how you play really hockey."
I looked up then immediately stood up and hugged him. "Lets show them whose boss."


I ran into Coach Orion's office.
"Captain Sparks."
"As we need one more player to fill the roster I did some scouting for us."
"Go on."
"I have found the perfect person to fill the slot. He's an amazing defenseman and can bring a lot to the team."
"And who might he be?"
"I'll show you." I turned to the door. "Come on in!"


"Alright! Gather around." We all stopped warming up and went up to Coach. We stood in a semi circle around  him. "You guys are extremely lucky."
All my teammates were fuddled.
"Captain Angelina Sparks went scouting and found us a defenseman. I want you to treat our new member with respect."
"Coach, who is it?" Portman asked.

"Not mad, are we Portman?" Alex asked, and appeared from behind Coach.
"Yessss! I have another bash brother!" Portman yelled and all our friends went over to welcome their new teammate. Only the usual people: Banks, Conway, Riley, Cole and Fulton didn't go up to Alex. Salty much.

I skated up to Alex and we did our 14 year old handshake then we gave each other a hug.
"Ange you found us a defenseman in less than 24 hours!" Julie smiled.
"How the fuck did you do it?" Connie asked.
"Well what can I say, I have connections." I flipped my hair.

"I've known him since I was 2 and played with him for 12 years. He's the best defenseman I know."
"And the second best young hockey player in the world." Coach Orion added. We all laughed.
"And guess who's the first best." Alex said. Everyone looked at me.
I gave them an over-dramatic bow, making them all snicker.

"The Hawks better watch out. The Ducks will outfly them!" I exclaimed and the whole team began to cheer.

That was Chapter 27! Hope you enjoyed!

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