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Everyone walked out from the palace suited up

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Everyone walked out from the palace suited up.

"The aliens are here," Steve said to T'Challa. Everyone followed them, as they were heading towards the carriers. "Wait for me!" Someone yelled, with clanking noise in the distance. Lilly turned around and saw a Hulk sized Iron Man armour. "Is Bruce in there?"

"Yeah," Nat answered her and got on a carrier. "Care to join?" Lilly was watching the Wakandan soldiers board on the carrier.

"I'll take the short cut," she said and readied herself to fly. "We'll meet you there," Nat replied and stepped on the carrier. "I'll still be close," Lilly said and flew in the sky. Sam and Rhodey passed her and she flew after them.

Over the coms, she heard Nat say to Bruce, "how we looking, Bruce?"

"Yeah, I think I'm getting the hang of it. Wow! It's like being the Hulk without actually—" he stopped talking. Lilly glanced back and saw him laying on the ground. She smiled and continued her way.

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Rhodey said.

The carrier pilots swerved into U-turns, causing it to tilt and allowing the soldiers to slide over one side into a run, never coming to a complete halt. Dora Milaje shouted a command nearby as the last Wakandans joined the line. A guy rallied his soldiers with a war chant. He stopped as T'Challa walked closer to him.

Lilly saw a woman with horns and Rock guy standing on the other side of the shield. She saw a Horn woman drew her sword against the shield. "These bastards." She flew closer, rage growing inside of her. She stopped, as she saw Nat, T'Challa and Steve walking towards the edge of the barrier, stopping before it.

"Where's your other friend?" Nat said. 'They've met before. So that was the monster who attacked them.' Lilly thought to herself.

"You will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone," Horn-woman replied

"That's not gonna happen."

"You are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We... have blood to spare," Horn-woman replied, as she brandished her sword with a snarl, ships behind her raising their outer hulls to allow other monster to disembark.

"You fucking bitch!" Lilly exclaimed, which made the woman look up at her. "Believe me," she continued, slowly dropping herself to the ground, "you will all pay for what you've done!" Horn-woman smirked. "If only you were as feisty back on the ship, as you are now, cowering behind this," she replied, poling the shield with her sword once again.

"Lilly," Steve said as he held her back. Lilly snarled at her. "We'll see who's going to cower."

"Lilly, come on," Steve said. Nat and T'Challa started walking back to the army. Lilly kept glaring at the woman, occasionally glancing to Rock guy. Both of them had smiles plastered on their faces. Steve pulled her by the hand, but she didn't move. "Fly birdie," Horn-woman said to her, gestured her to go away.

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