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*following the events of avengers: endgame
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*following the events of avengers: endgame{gif by cinemagal}

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Everyone's been feeling out of this world lately.

The team found a device with a weird symbol, which turned out to be an emergency call to another superhero, Captain Marvel. They sent her out in the space to search for Tony and everyone else that was with him.

Pepper was sitting on the bench in the hall. Lilly sat beside her and placed her hand on Pepper's shoulder. "We'll find him. I know we will."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because he's Tony Stark." Pepper sighed at Lilly's comment. She wrapped her arms around her. "I'm sure he's going to walk through this door anytime soon." Pepper shook her hands off and walked away.

Lilly also missed him. Yes, he was a pain in her ass, but he was one of her closest friends. She bit the inside of her lower lip, as she felt tears gathering in her eyes. Everyone lost so much.

She got up and walked to the bathroom. Inside she saw Steve with a razor blade, shaving his beard. "Oh, sorry," she said and furrowed her brows. "Did they changed the signs? I swear this was women's restroom." Steve let out a chuckle as he continued shaving.

"You're parting already?"

"Were you hoping not to?"

"I don't know. It kinda grew on me."

"It actually grew on me." Lilly rolled her eyes at his comment. "I didn't mean literally."

"I know."

"I talked to Pepper. She's ... bad." Steve put down his blade and washed his face. "She misses him much more than we do, understandably." Lilly handed him a towel and he wiped his face. "I wish there was something, something I can do to make her feel better."

"Don't beat yourself up. You can't always be the hero they want you to be."

"I know. But I wonder sometimes, if that was me and someone I love would be out there in space,..."


"You know what I mean, Steve." She said. He walked closer to her and placed his hands on her hips. "You don't know how glad I am that you're here," he said and pressed his lips to her forehead. "I wish things were better," he continued and rested his forehead on hers, "but we have to take baby steps, to see progress. Some things just can't be rushed."

Lilly looked up at him, worry and relief mixed inside of her. "I hope you're right."

He leaned in to kiss her, but Lilly stopped him. "What?" He asked her and she pointed to his razor, who was shaking, slowly at first, and then severely. "Something's happening."

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