Im Sorry

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A week since the night of the last chapter

Dixie POV: me and griffin woke up tangled up in each other's arms I was really happy with him and me and josh had to talk to each other because we lived with each other. Me and griffin were laying down staring at each other I Said "good morning baby". He said "good morning my love". I was in love with him I couldn't be with anyone else it was him. Noah was still pissed so only talked to me when he had too. I still hadn't apologize which made me sound like a complete bitch. The more I hanged out with griffin the more bitchy I became which I kinda liked. I hated being the soft girl. We got up and walked down stairs I was in his back and we got down at the wrong timing. Only Noah was awake he was on his phone eating cereal. Griffin sat me down and walked over to get us cereal too we had a date that night so he was been cute all day. I said trying to get my best friend back "good morning noah how did you sleep." He said which sarcasm "Great my life is going just fucking peachy." Griffin clench his fist. I looked at him which calmed him down. "NOAH I don't know what you want me to do I can't stopped myself from living griffin." I realized I shouldn't have said that. "Well then at least you shouldn't have lead me on got my hopes up Dixie." He was right 100% right I tried to not cry because I sounded really stupid fighting with him even though everyone knew it was me that caused the problem. "I'm sorry noah but the past is in the past I can't take back what I did." He looked at me and just had pain in his eyes. Griffin spoke "did you really think she would get with you." "Griffin" I said kinda yelling he was making this 10 times harder. "Sorry I have faith in people, probably to much then the deserve" looking at me tears rolling down and leaving. I got up trying to hug him. He wouldn't push me so instead stepped back and said "your making this harder for me to get over you." Uggh why was this so hard to lie to Noah then my own boyfriend. "Okay" I said and walked back to griffin who already had his eyes open I just hugged him and cried into his chest he kiss my head and said "it's okay I'm right here." We hanged out for the rest of the day then had ate date (I'm not gonna get into detail because griffin and Dixie together grossed me out lol no offense👍) we walked into the house to everyone watching a movie. We sat down and groined them and I realized Noah wasn't there. I asked "hey where is Noah" Bryce responded "I don't know right when y'all left for y'all date he left saying don't follow me life sucks" it worried all of us but he couldn't hurt himself could he. I had so could he?

Noah's POV: after griffin and Dixie left I left saying something that scared them. I wasn't going to hurt myself at least not yet. I just went to the store got myself some drinks and a pack of cigarettes one of my many secrets. I went in my car and starting my numbing I was so pissed that dixie lead me on and then broke me and didn't care. Griffin was so fucking annoying but I wanted to be happy for her I did but how. How could I be happy if I wasn't I wanted to be griffin. I went home drunk and high as fuck I'm surprised I didn't get pulled over. I stumbled in and they looked at me griffin tangled in dixies arm. They were so happy and all I wanted was for Dixie to be happy and she was. I realized it wasn't them it was me I was a jealous ass but why they didn't know me so why did they care? Everything got to me I dropped to the floor crying. Dixie ran over to me hugging me checking if I was okay all I could form was "I'm sorry it's not you it's me." She just hugged me crying as well. I made her cry. "Sh sh sh it's okay" calmly. "No it's not I'm a fucking idiot." Griffin said quietly but loaf enough for all of us to hear "that'd the first truthful thing he said" chase was about to fight him but charli held him back. Chase said with anger "you fucking bitch if dixie wasn't like a sister to me I would beat your ass." Dixie got up and started yelling  at griffin. He left without saying goodbye. She got back in the floor hugging me. We had both calmed down. She cracked a few jokes with her giggle I realized I wasn't getting over her but I would have to hide it. How though she was gorgeous, she brought happiness into the world and cared so much for everyone. Why did she want to be friends with me a loveless person. We both fell asleep I woke up and brought her to her room and drifted off to sleep in my room for the first time in a while.

The next morning

Dixies POV: I was so happy I had my best friend back. I called griffin telling him to come over so we could talk and texted back saying okay. He was here after 15 minutes and I opened the door and he walked into my room he hugged me and apologized for being a ass to Noah. I told him that I was not the one who needed a apology he said he would do it after breakfast so we walked downstairs everyone looked at us I said "Me and Noah are good and be and griffin and good too" they all clapped because that's how silly my friends are that must have woke Noah up because not long after Noah walked down the stairs the group left scared of what was going to happen to Nolan and griffin LOL. Which left me in once again another stupid situation noah smiled at me and walked straight past griffin which he had every right to but like come on noah things can't get any harder can they. Griffin spoke "hey Noah man I'm sorry I was mad that you brought danger into yesterday by coming home wasted". Noah said "for you think I would hurt her." Griffin said "no look all I'm trying to say is I'm sorry." Noah looked at me and I looked at griffin implying to forgive him noah said "your all good" they did that bro handshake thing. Noah said something before leaving the kitchen still looking at griffin "treat her right okay" and griffin said "yes sir" being stupid noah laughed and left the kitchen. Griffin kissed me and everyone went to the pool for a pool day which made me happy because everyone got along for once.

author notes;
Hoped y'all like this one I thought it was sweet but don't get to comfortable this isn't the end of the craziness. All love and remember I can always talk if you want. ❤️

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