Fucking Bitch

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A lot of language⚠️  I don't proof read it lol so try your best to understand ✋🏽👏🏽

A week later morning

Dixie POV: Griffin ended who not showing up that night (last chapter). All he said was sorry something came up. Like okay bitch sure and then he didn't answer any of us not even Bryce one of his best friends. I couldn't believe him, so I rolled out of bed everyone was already eating eggs and waffles and I made my plate and join the convo. Maddie had left last night because something had came up with her family. I got on my phone. When I saw TikTokroom posted some thing and tagged me. I clicked it and the caption was "griffin Johnson caught cheated how will dixie react." My heart shattered why would he do that. He could have a lease broke up with me. But he didn't, he knew the consequences and chose not to do anything about it. I broke I was so in love with Griffin and he couldn't even show up. He can't even be there for me I had to have my best friends do it. Now it wasn't sadness it was complete anger. I yelled "FUCK HIM" and then the anger washed away as my knees went numb and it was just sadness pure regret and pain. I fell to the floor crying Noah being alarmed ran to me picked me up and said "Dixie are you okay what happened." Words wouldn't form all I could say was "g-g-g-r-i-f-f-i-n c-c-c-h-h-e-a-t-e-d" Noah got up and sat me in his arms holding me whispering on repeat "it's okay" all my feeling for him came back I was doing good being semi friends with Maddie. What the hell! I wasn't even friends with her but we had to be friends because she was in love with Noah and I was his best friend that secretly liked him. Bryce stood up angry by the word i stuttered him being my oldest brother "you know what fuck him and fuck that I am throwing a party tonight we're going to invite his little ass and we're gonna make him so jealous" I said still sobbing "how" "walk up to his ass and simply just say fuck you walk away and boys will be all over you" Bryce responded. I agreed only because everyone was hyping me up. But the only boy I wanted was Noah. And I can have him and that killed me more than the thought of Griffin cheating on me, because we all knew Griffin never loved me, I loved him, and then everyone wonders why am not the perfect one or I say I'm not. Tonight was the night, tonight was the night that no boys would fuck with me. And I was OK with that. I posted on my story a simple I'm single and deleted all the pictures I had of him in everything and blocked him on everything as well as my friends did to. I reassured Bryce I wouldn't be mad if he was still besties with griffin. He said "fuck him like I said." He was hurting and I knew that but I didn't know what to do.

Noah's POV: after dixie barely could say the simple word griffin cheated. I not only felt her pain but my heart broke. I wanted to beat his ass but Bryce's plan to get back at griffin sounded perfect. It would allow dixie to embody the bad bitch she was and to show griffin the obvious realization that he was mentally and physically stupid asf. Holding dixie felt as I was floating but it couldn't happen I liked Maddie or I think I do, she was at first a rebound for dixie shattering my heart by kissing me and then crushing whatever was going on. Now Maddie was obsessed and I felt I could give that same energy we weren't even dating so it would be easier but I hated saying I didn't like her because I would be a complete dushbag.

Later that night/everyone was showing up

Dixie was wearing this but the dress didn't flow instead stoped right above her knees and didn't have sleeves just straps

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Dixie was wearing this but the dress didn't flow instead stoped right above her knees and didn't have sleeves just straps.

Dixie POV: I was ready I knew I was a bad bitch but griffin pulled it out of me but no more him no more of that. I walked out of my room and everyone started at me because of course everyone knew it got out really fast. They all clapped I laughed and yelled "Bad Bitch is Back" then griffin walked through the door. He couldn't harm me anymore right. I had boys all around me some trying to get with me and Noah, Bryce, Blake, and josh protecting me while also having fun. Bryce was calling all of us over to take shots, I walked and stood by Noah and griffin stood right beside me I looked at Noah knowing his hazel glowing eyes were staring at me making sure I was comfortable. Bryce said "Dixie you good I don't need stupid people being near you". I laughed and said "stupid your gonna have to do better" looking at griffin. Griffin finally had enough of us being done with his shit he said angry "y'all are bitches especially you dixie do you not think I have your secrets no wonder I cheated on you because your a fucking baby about everything." Everyone was taking back about his words some so surprised they left. "Oh really" I shouted "you don't hunk that I can't expose you you want to know how many dms I got from girl who said you hitting on them and some apologizing because you fucked them." Noah tugged my hand holding it and I found a sense of not only comfort but confidence. Griffin in the other hand don't know what to say. "So yeah go ahead and say I'm a fucking baby but at least I don't let a phscopath who never loved me get to in my head." He said finding words "maybe not in your head but in your pants." I started crying. What the hell was wrong with him. Bryce, Noah, Blake, and josh all stood up I ran off charli, addi, nessa and Amelie following me. I wasn't embarrassed because he said that it was the fact that he was right and now tons of people have in to video. Sometime was going to post it. I didn't know what to do so I ammidietyly changed my clothes into one of Noah's sweatshirts and sweatpants and cried with the girls before we heard a big thud.

Noah's POV: what the literal fuck was wrong with griffin that is not only disrespectful to a women but Dixie. He crossed the line cheated her but broke the line saying that me and the boys all stood up after his bitchy comment. Dixie ran off all I wanted was to Hug her and possibly kiss her. I looked at the girls running toward her addi stop and looked at me saying "after you do whatever y'all are go talk to her your the only one she wants to talk to" I nodded my head and she ran off. We looked at griffin as he was stalking back Bryce grabbed him and punched him almost everyone had left and we kicked his ass I don't the most punches and kickes because it was dixie before he left I yelled "FUCKING BITCH". I was angry and sad but disappointed in the world we lived in who's parent let them grow up like that. Noy only my dad but my whole family would kill me if I every did that he left the house bruised, and bloody. We told everyone to leave. We expected are fight and the conversation to be all over social media by tomorrow morning. Which was fine as long as they saw we were the victims that dixie was a victim of a stupid, cheating, annoying, hurtful ass person. The girls walked out of the room and all said in unison "Noah you have to help her" they walked off with there boyfriends and I walked In to comfort my best friend or more? I walked in and saw her I. My hoodie it broke me because she had to wear them to be comforted at a time like this. I just ran up to her and hugged her I knew that this wasn't the time to talk. She didn't want to or she would have but she wanted to be comforted, the type griffin couldn't because his mind was always on something or someone else's. She cried into my chest for about 39 minutes. I finally spoke "you don't have to but do you want to talk about it" I felt her nod and pulled myself off of her. She looked at me and started to cry again I brought her back to my chest and said "talk like this." She said "okay what do you want to know" I said calmly "how do you feel." "Like shit, Noah he touched me when I don't want to be touched it hurt so bad when he said that because I didn't want him in my pants I was forced." I shoved her head deeper and held my grip tighter started to cry. She looked at my face trying to see my reaction and said with a small barely visible smile "please don't cry" I said "I'm sorry I should of known when you don't want to be by him god it a ducking idiot" she said "no your not Noah not even my brothers saw." I said "well duh because there idiots no offense but me I should of seen" she said "no Noah it okay." I said "continue" she said looking down at my chest and laying her head back on it. "Well he would tell me it would ruin y'all if I said something so I didn't, I was close to you always not because I was scared he was going to do it anyway but more so because I feel so safe around you more than almost anyone." I don't say anything but hugged her more and we drifted off to sleep together. In each others arms I felt happy a different happy as if this was what I was meant to do I was meant to make her happy and I figured that's what I wanted to focus on so I thought I texted Maddie saying to come in the morning saying we needed to talk. I was going to end whatever I had with Maddie but in a man way not like griffin.


Authors notes:
It's not over the next chapter will be drama packed and then I will give y'all a brake LOL. Might post later but I don't really know sorry. Love y'all and remember once again we can always talk.

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