My little fighters

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3 day later

Noah's POV: we were already back from the hotel and it had been to days since we got back. Charli and chase were on edge because their babies would be here at any time and place. It was around 7 pm and we were all sitting down talking about life, projects, babies, marriage basically having a group meeting. Charli stood up to go get another snack when water suddenly started to fall. She said in worried ness "my water broke" the house all scramble chase got her to the car and drove off to the hospital. Me, dixie, addi and Bryce stayed and got the bag, cleaned the house, got the car seats, made sure the nursery wasn't missing anything and then we left. We we got their charli and chase were already checked in and looked like this.

Charli was freaking out she was 19 having twins their is over a thousand things that could go wrong not just with giving Birth but the babies health

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Charli was freaking out she was 19 having twins their is over a thousand things that could go wrong not just with giving Birth but the babies health. We comforted her and soon after she calmed down. 30 minutes the doctor walked in and said "okay charli so I am highly sure that your babies won't be here till tmr, but we don't know which time so we want you to stay here so that we can make sure that when their ready to come out they do," charli just nodded her head in almost like disbelief that she was having twins. Also the fact that she would be doing this when she was only 7 and a half months which would mean that she would give birth 2 months early.

It was known 12:00 everyone was still up and talking charli was beginning to dose of but those contractions wouldn't let her. We just talked, made jokes, and laughed to get the stress away. The doctor had done checkups here and their but was still for sure on what she had said about the time. When she walked in to check the charts she said "Oh god you 7 centimeters dilated" everyone rose to their feet in shook. The doctor then spoke again "it's time for your epidural"  charli didn't know what to do so once aging just nodded.

A hour later charli had her epidural and everyone was out of the room the only people that were in there were charli and chase. The doctors said it would be best if we all weren't in the room because if we were it would back the space really tight and then other things could go wrong. So they left charli and chase. They had no parents with them, charlis had called her many names because of these babies and chases parents well 2 of them died and another 2 of them died. This didn't really affect charli and chase that much because they had a group of family and that was us.

Chases POV: I was freaking out I didn't like seeing charli in pain so I hoped the epidural would work at least a little bit. It was just me and her. I never let go of her hand and promised her I wouldn't ever leave no matter what. A hour later she was 10 centimeters dilated and began pushing. The epidural was working because she couldn't feel a lot but did feel. After 30 minutes of doctors talking, charli tugging on my hand, and me panicking the doctor spoke softly with a smile as we heard baby cries "baby girl is here" it was a girl. A sweet baby girl. The doctor cleaned her and put her on a table with a glass container around. This is because they would be born 2 months early and couldn't really be by themselves, They couldn't be touch for a while, and if everything went smoothly we wouldn't be able to take them home for 2 weeks.

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