Im Okay

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Noah's POV: It was now morning I was still wrapped in dixie and then the door opened Maddie stood still, she looked semi heartbroken. Dixie woke up and We all just looked at each other dixie spoke up because she felt as if she was a total bitch. "Maddie it's not what it looks like." Maddie ignored the apology "Noah what did you want to talk about." Dixie said "oh okay" and got up leaving. Maddie sat on the bed and said "what do you need so I can leave" I said well "a lot had been going on what you just saw was one of them dixie and everyone had been struggling so I want to take a pause in whatever was going on between us." "Oh I completely understand. I have to go" "oh okay bye sorry again" I said. In response she said "your good I will be back it's okay " laughed and left she took it really easy I was glad because if she wasn't I would feel like a asshole. Dixie walked back in and said softly "what happened" I responded "I ended whatever was going on between us." She said "oh I'm sorry." I said "no it's okay I need to focus on other things." She said "like what" I said "you, avoiding the fact that griffin is Bryce's best friend, and my friends my career." She hugged me we walked down stairs and Addison said brightly "we need to stick together I love y'all GROUP HUG" we all laughed and hugged we finish off the morning shutting off our phones, eating breakfast, and going to the beach we came back around 2:00. I had a fun time I felt a closure I knew dixie was happy her smile and laugh was genuine. It made my heart do fireworks I really liked her.

Dixie POV: when I woke up and saw Maddie I felt like a bitch. I apologize and left when she left I went back into Noah's room thinking he would be broken like I was but he wasn't. It was like he was normal and it was simple or maybe he had eyes in someone else. I had the most fun I have had in a while. Noah made me happy I'm a different way not because he made me laugh or smile but he always knew how to help me he was there for me it was like I was transparent and he could see right through me. We posted Tiktok and pictures. I not only had fun with Noah but I got to see Bryce and Blake's pint of view them being my brothers how they felt on there best friend cheating on their sister. I loved my brothers. I loved my friends they always had my back and it showed, they went i me when they mended stuff and when I needed people the most they were the first. We finally got back home and I turned my phone on TikTokroom had posted again the caption being "dixie fired back." They were referring to my Tiktok on exposing griffin. (You know that vid LOL). I laughed and was said out loud "dixies a bad biotch" in that way. They laugh the girls said "Yes she is" we all laughed. Noah pulled me aside and asked "hey do you want to go out later" I laughed and said jokingly "like a date" he said "if you want to make it one." I felt this energy like I had to do it so I said "can I do something." He said "go for it" I kissed him and he kissed me back. I smiled and pulled away he said "you can do that too" and laughed. I said "can I do it again." He nodded and I kissed him again instead I put my hand around his neck and pulled his hair. His hand rapped around my waist.

I wanted to scream his hand was in my WAIST. We pulled away after 30 seconds and he smiled and said "so a date at 6" I said "yes I will be here." He kissed my forehead and butterflies were alive. I was o excited I walked into the living room dragged all the girls and told them about the experience that I knew would and was going to change my life. I was so happy and they were to it was now five. it was time to get ready for my date with Noah they guys that i was falling for fast faster then I ever had fell.

Noah's POV: I walked up to my room after dix kissed me she kissed me and not only did I want to scream but her by my side I wanted to accomplish anything as long as I had her. I told the boys to come up they hyped me up and then it was five and it was time to get ready to ask dixie if we were more than friends.

Authors note
Sorry this is short the next one will be long because I wanted to do the date and one whole chapter. So get ready!

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