I have a brother

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Charli POV: I woke up and it was 10. I immediately woke everyone up saying that we had 2 hours to get ready because I was meeting my so called fucking brother. I saved his number at LOL❤️. It was funny, or at least I thought it was everyone was freaking out of my safety. I reassured them that they would be their to help if I was in danger. I had got dressed.

 I had got dressed

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I wore that

Dixie wore that

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Dixie wore that

Dixie wore that

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Addi wore that

Noah wore that

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Noah wore that

Bryce wore that

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Bryce wore that

Chase Wore that

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Chase Wore that

I was scared but my excited over took the negativity. I wore a dress allowing my baby bump to show. I cleaned the house with the help of Dixie and Noah just in case this was my brother and he wanted to come back to our house to talk more. I think I scared of the truth, if He was my brother why would my parents lie to me. What had they done with him for the 18 years of my life. My head was all over the place chase helped me calmed down because stress isn't good for me or the baby which I was 100 percent sure was a girl or twin girls. Another crazy thought my baby would have a biological uncle and not my best friends that brought made me aww.

1 hour later we were in the car because I yelled at everyone. Hehe oops. Chase drove and when we got their there was my almost identical brother Mason . Not I'm a twin way but just how Dixie looked like Blake and Bryce. (Imagination) he smiled at me and smiled back there stood this gorgeous girl.

She looked so sweet I knew this was my brother or I think my brothers girlfriend her name was Jules because he showed me a picture golf her on text

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She looked so sweet I knew this was my brother or I think my brothers girlfriend her name was Jules because he showed me a picture golf her on text. They both smiled at I hugged both of them saying "I'm charli" I looked at chase grabbing his hand saying "this is chase my boyfriend," he smiled saying "hi". I looked at Dixie, Noah, Blake and addi i said "these our my best friends noah and Dixie they are dating, and addi and addi they our dating," they all greeted and we sat down we ordered my maybe brother ordered for me he knew exactly what I wanted how fucking cool was that.

I said curios "I know you aww me on Tiktok but what happened how am I for sure your my brother" he said "do you really want me to tell you," I nodded and he sighed Jules grabbed his hand which made me happy and he said "so our mom and dad didn't hide me but they wanted us to be at distance. So I went to live with grandma and grandpa. I always got calls from mom and dad every night they told me my whole life I was sick which I was but it was not contagious so I guess they wanted one kid," I tear rolled down my eyes. He then spoke again "i am sorry I don't hate our parents because I could never," I said "don't be sorry, I am. If it makes you feel better I don't really talk to them anymore, they didn't take time being pregnant good. Dad called me a slut and whore, but I know I'm not I'm just loyal to chase," and I was what I did that night was my promise and I would take it back before that baby and I'm not taking it back now. Everyone smiled my brother said "do you want more proof" I said "no" he laughed and said "I am anyway," he pulled out a book of my pictures. That my parent had, they must have gave him the book. I see and we laughed at my bath tub baby pictures. It was now 1:30 we had been talking for a hour and a half my baby was killed me. I felt nauseous and my brother and chase could tell because they both asked me many times are you good. Me saying not I'll I finally admitted to chase I wasn't. Chase asked if I wanted to go home. I said yes as long as Mason and Jules followed us. They agreed I already knew they would make a great addition to the group they got along great with everyone else and addi and Dixie agreed when they pulled me aside asking me if I was comfortable with them asking mason and Jules  to join I said yes and we left the diner.

We got home and I showed them around the house. They loved it we had like 5 extra rooms one I used for the baby's nursery and 4 others for anyone.

Dixies POV: Jules and mason were so sweet and I knew home much charli would love for them to live her so we introduced them to Ginny and Georgia after we told them that it was our group show. They felt more comfortable and joined in on our laughs and jokes. Then addi spoke "okay mason and Jules me and Dixie have something to ask you," I then spoke "i know y'all will be a great addition to the group so we have a room for y'all if you want to come live with us," addi said "we understand if you don't and that doesn't mean you have to join the fame but we would love to wake up and have y'all here," charli clapped her hands and then mason and Jules said I'm unison almost jumping with excitement "yes" we did our first group hid and let them pick out of the 4 rooms charli gave them because charli wanted to have the closest room to her and chases room the baby's room. They chose one. We would start moving them in, in the next week. They spent the night charli was delighted. This was all I wanted charli to be happy and now she was. Before we fell asleep on the couch charli said "I have a baby on the way, I have chase, Noah, dixie, addi, Bryce, and now I have a brother and his girlfriend." She screamed "I HAVE A BROTHER," we all laughed and fell asleep watching paranormal activities a really weird thing we had in common weird, happy, surprising and most of all loving stuff always happening.

Authors notes
Last one for today love y'all>3
Give me tips I don't know what to do, so please give me tips and ideas

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