We will figure it out

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Noah's POV: after yesterday's shocking truth or dare the rest of the night was crying and cuddling after me, addi and chase all hugged we talked about how it will be okay. We all left the beach I laid in Dixies lap crying because I felt bad addi had to keep a secret to keep my hatred towards my family to a minimum I wondered how many great things addi could have done if she hadn't had to keep the biggest secrets I feel one could keep.

I also felt bad for chase he thought his whole life his parents just died, and he went to a adoption center but instead had a mom that was a whore and a dad who made a mistake.

I felt stupid, I had always thought of chase as brother and our parents both dying, us being in sync half the time. It really made sense but addi still how to tell us how we met how did me and chase end up being best friends was it planned I doubt that if the truth was as deep as addi made it I don't think it ended their. I fell asleep crying in dixie lap as she just held me and kissed my head and played with my hair. Just what I needed.

The next day 

It was a pool day and me and chase still wanted more of the truth because we both agreed if it had gone that far it didn't end there. So we all got dressed and met up at the pool that we had at one of the huts. Addi and Bryce walked in and our eyes soften towards addi she looked like she had been crying all night just like me and chase. When she saw me and chase side by side she smiled at how we looked like brothers and ran and hugged us we hugged her back not saying anything and addi began crying once more.

"Addi why are you crying" chase said. Addi said sobbing "I wish I told y'all when you met, because now think about how many things add up" we all agreed but didn't want her to feel worst so I said "addi be glad we know now but can you explain it again with no tears from anyone" addi nodded and we all got in the pool to talk again. Addi told ya what she had said last night. Me and chase wants again said in unison "that's not it" we laughed and he gestured me to continue  I spoke laughing "addi how did we meet" addi then said wanting to cry "in the hospital seconds before mom died right after you said bye and I went in she told me when I got I bit older because we were already 16 she told me exactly "make sure they see each other again," I said "who" really confused she said "noah and chase." I said "mom that will be hard" and she said "your strong, stronger then I every was you will do just fine," then she kissed my head and I left the room when I heard the death line ring. I then met Bryce" she said intertwining their hands and spoke again "I told him first and made him promise me to never speak of it till I did thinking I wouldn't. He kept his promise I didn't. Them me and Bryce met each of you making a group. I found chase through moms paper work, keeping his birth certificate."

"Addi" I said "you didn't have to do that" she said "I knew one day I would have to tell you so I had to keep at least one promise by having y'all together. It took Noah a while to agree to live with us but I watched y'all get close and it made me happy that I could keep that promise" chase said softly amazed "thanks sis" addi almost exploded her smile was bigger than life itself she started crying I did too. She said "no problem bro" looking at chase and hugging us once again we were all I tears and charli, dixie, and Bryce were too, addi looked at them and said "group hug y'all" they all got up and hugged us. I said "addi mom and dad would be proud of you and chase your dad and mom would be proud too" Addi and chase said in unison "yeah" we all laughed and swam the rest of the day making sweet comments and taking pictures. I had 2 siblings that I loved.
Things would get rough but we will figure it out

Things would get rough but we will figure it out

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