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4 in the morning. Morning leaving for the Bahamas

Dixies POV: it was 4 and I had woken everyone up we all had packed. It was the day we wearing going to the Bahamas. We had all got our bags and were down stairs we looked tired even though we had all went to bed early the night before. We all headed out Bryce drove to the airport we got out Parked our car and we're walking inside we wanted to get a early flight so we could be arriving there in the day so we still could spend are first night doing something even if it was just dinner. We also got a early flight so there would be no paparazzi or fans harassing us. We all got Starbucks to at least try to wake us up. I was raped in Noah's arm as we waited for the time to leave when charli started to throw up. We comforted her but didn't get scared because we knew it had to have been morning sickness and soon ended. At 5 am it was time to get on the plane we all got on and we sat like this

Noah held my hand the whole time me and him rarely got time to ourselves so I really happy that we would each be staying in our own huts with our significant other

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Noah held my hand the whole time me and him rarely got time to ourselves so I really happy that we would each be staying in our own huts with our significant other.

They look separated like this

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They look separated like this

 Main room that has a fridge, microwave, essentials

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Main room that has a fridge, microwave, essentials

 Main room that has a fridge, microwave, essentials

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