There back

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2 weeks after the date

Dixies POV: I finally had found my person. Me and Noah spent everyday together never leaving each others side and we weren't clingy but felt lost without each other. Thomas was throwing a party at the hype house and we were all invited. Everyone got ready. I went to Noah's room and he was in the shower so I laid on the bed he opened the door fully clothed and looked at me "hey baby" he said I said "hey my love" he leaned down and kissed me. He said you look cute. I said "thanks bun you look good too" he smiled and picked me up and spanned me around. I laughed and he put me down then heard Bryce scream "get your asses down here we are leaving" me and Noah both laughed and walked downstairs.

 I laughed and he put me down then heard Bryce scream "get your asses down here we are leaving" me and Noah both laughed and walked downstairs

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Noah wore 👆

I wore 👆20 minutes later

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I wore 👆
20 minutes later

Dixies POV: we finally got there. I didn't wear anything to exposing just because I already had my man, and I planned to keep his hand in mine all night. We walked in and me and Noah both stopped we froze at the sight everyone partying, lights, music, griffin, Maddie, Taylor (my ex before griffin), and nick (my 3 time hook up before any of them. Luckily noah knew all about then but we knew we were going to be bait for some sharks, hungry sharks.

10 minutes later

Thomas and Bryce called all the main people over to play seven minutes in heaven a game me and Noah I didn't like from previous experience that cause are first fight (first chapter not including characters). We walked over still hand in and and sat by each other on the couch. Bryce cheered for him to go first he got griffin. You could see the anger in his face I softly spoke "Bryce don't start anything I'm happy now I don't care" he nodded in understanding what I was saying. Griffin scoffed I guess he didn't like me saying I was happy oh well they went in there and we heard a thud noah stood up to see if everything was okay "Bub no it's okay if Bryce is kicking his ass it Weill be fine" Noah and others around us laughed and we sat back down. Thomas yelled 7 mins up.
Bryce busted open the door and yelled at griffin all bloody "that's for calling my fucking sister a whore just because she dropped your ugly ass for someone who loves her more than anything in your body fucking could stay away from all of us bitch" Maddie stood to her feet and ran over to griffin it sup roses all of us but then she said "baby are you okay" he responded "yeah". She flipped all of us off and then turned soecifically to me and Noah. "Noah how can you watch someone that's like a brother to you get beat up." Noah spoke strongly "someone who is a brother to what type of shit is that." "Griffin I'd like a brother to you right" Maddie said regretting speaking at all. "I don't know what type of shit someone told you but hell to the fuck no, griffin is more than a. Idiot and he knows that" Maddie couldn't look at josh any longer so turned to me. "Fuck you dixie".what the hell why was she coming for me but I responded "ah sweet heart Noah does that for me" flipped her off. Tighten my grip on Noah's hand and turned away and started to walk away as everyone was in shock. She said "you wish" I was done I turned saying "oh really did he ever fuck you" she was in denial and said "no" I said so Technically " you wish bitch, just wait your so called boyfriend is going to get in your pants and leave you and you won't have Noah cause he'll be fucking me, sorry bitch" and left the party. Noah ran after me saying "god damn dixie you left her crying" he said proudly that he had me. I hugged him and said "I love you" he kissed my forehead and said "I love you more than anything on this world." I grabbed his hand and said "okay let's go back inside" he said "you sure because if griffin says something"- I cut him off "I give you my full permission to beat his ass" he laughed and said "okay my love." We walked inside and char and Addi both ran to me and said "ahhhhhhhh come in bad bitch" I laughed and said "that's me" I finally kissed Noah and said "I'm about to let go now" he kissed me back and said "okay my love stay safe." I loved when he scalped me my love it game me butterflies because every time he called me I would be reminded that he loves me. I left with the girls and we went to the drinks, dance, talk/gossip.

Noah's POV: dixie had left with add and char. I went to Blake and Bryce and they were with chase. Me and chase were always really close. We had more than a person could say things in common. We felt connected and he was the definition of a brother. We weren't though I knew he had a lot of family and parent problems I did too. My dad never was around but he was by sure my favorite he taught me soccer something the comforted me better than anyone could. My mom rarely talk to me we weren't the richest family. My mom worked a lot and my dad did too but my mom got fired weekly she was a alcoholic and was a drug addict. She died of not being the healthiest at 40 when i was 17. Luckily I was able to move and live by myself the apartment being under my aunts name (I know that's not how it works but for the ages that's how it will be) which I already really good at because that's how it always was. Me and my dad lost touch and never wanted to reach out I was informed when I was 18 about to turn 19 that my dad had past away do to a heart attack. I was in my own from their I was a smart kid, with good grades, athletic, but alone. I then blew up and 5 and a half months later found the love of my life, best friends, family I should say, fan or how I call them family. It was a tough spot hearing about good parents because I never had any. I had only opened up about this to chase and Dixie because I was closer to them I was dating dixie and chase was like the little brother I wanted but couldn't have. Chases parents both divorced, he's dad abused him and his mom tried everything but his parents were driving and on there way to court for the divorce papers got in a accident. His dad died instantly but after a year of being in a coma his mom died. He was only 1 so his aunt told him when he was 16. I know it broke him like it broke me I had him and he had me.
Brothers. I got out of my thoughts when dixie walked diver and ask Bryce to leave we rallied everyone up and left to the car. When we got in Dixie laid on my shoulder, I kissed her forehead and spoke Quietly "goodnight my love, do you want to go to your bed or mine" she pointed to my chest I smiled and said "okay my love" and she went to sleep. We got there and I took her out of the car. I laid her on my bed and realized she had makeup and her party clothes on. I softly undressed her leaving her in her bra and underwear. I put her in my t-shirt knowing she would like that. I toile her makeup off. I got ready for bed and drifted of to sleep with her in my arms

Dixies POV: I was getting tired and it was 1 in the morning I went to Bryce and ask if we could leave he said yes understanding. He called everyone we all said by being some of the only people there after everyone left around 12. We got in the car I payed on Noah's shoulder he kissed my forehead and ask me a question when i answered. I drifted off to sleep he lofted be up so I thought we must be home. He laid me down and began to undress me I woke up but didn't feel like moving me. Noah respected me and every woman I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I trusted him he took my makeup off and we both fell asleep in each others arms.

Authors notes
Hope y'all like this one it is long so I might do a short one tonight or tomorrow morning. Love y'all and thanks for all the views

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