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Dixie POV: me and Noah woke up around 9 because our flight was later than it was leaving LA. We texted the group morning and said that we would meet at the airport Starbucks. Also as a reminder that are flight was at 1 (Bahamas time)so we would make it back around 4 (L.A time) I was excited to go home but when we got their we knew Blake and Amelie would be moving out I knew this because they gave us many hints. As time went by we knew mads, Jaden, nessa, Josh, Blake and Amelie would get kinda tired being in a group of 20, 19, and soon to be 21. As they were all 23 soon turning 24 mads and Jaden were already engaged and planning to start their family. The rest of them wanted to begin living a regular life which they could do with us which we understood but still hurt like shit, but what could we do... Nothing.

After me and Noah laid in bed taking about the good and bad things the Bahamas brought us. How we can transfer the good back to LA and keep the bad in the Bahamas. We looked through the pictures we took. Laughing and making remarks back on the moments we had the week. It was now 11 and was time to get to the airport. Our couples had rented cars so we had to go and drop those off so we loaded our bags and suitcases into the trunk and back noah got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger. We drove to the airport where we dropped the cars off and went inside going through security and all that crap and we went to Starbucks to out surprise Bryce and addi were already their sitting down with their drinks. The smile at us and we went and sat down. It was a 6 seating table as we were waiting for charli and chase to arrive. We sat down and Bryce said "so opinions on the trip"  Noah laughed and said "a lot of fun I really enjoyed the part when I found out my best friend is my brother," addi then laughed and said "I liked that too except I didn't found out I told," me and Bryce laughed.  It had been crazy addi looked at me and said "what about you dix," I said with excitement "you and Bryce getting engaged" she smiled and said "yeah that too," Noah spoke saying "when are y'all thinking of having the wedding," Bryce was about to speak but addi cut him off with excitement. "I want to do it very soon like in the next year I don't want to be like one of the couples that stay engaged for 6 years," we all shook our head and addi was really getting me excited so I said " I 100 percent agree but I think charli once to have her  baby before," addi said "yeah which I think will fit the time frame because I want to have a flower girl even if she can walk," I thought about how cute that would be when chase and charli walked in hugging us all, snapping me out of my thoughts. We hugged them back and charli spoke "so we all know that Blake and Amelie are leaving right" we shook our head me and Bryce were a bit sadder than everyone because that was our brother noah and addi could tell so they hugged us it kinda made the mood. Noah said "it's okay guys. He will still be our friends just not best" we shook our heads understanding even though it still hurt. We talked a little more than then it was 12:40 and time to start walking to our gate. We all got there and it was exactly time to start boarding so we did. This plane was in the same set up as the plane coming to the Bahamas. The only difference was we were leaving and I didn't have a cheating suspicion. I had do much fun and got a lot info on the group as a new sibling group.

6 hours later

Noah's POV: we landed and got our bags and then got into the car we had drove in. It took about 30 minutes because there was slight traffic. When we got home Blake and Amelie were sitting on couch. We greeted them and Dixie got to anxious and said "we know y'all our leaving so you can just you just get it over with," she let go off my hand and went to hug Bryce the only brother that seemed to be loyal. Bryce hugged her back rubbing her back they were both dreading the moment and crying. We all were just sad. Blake looked hurt he knew this was hurtful to his siblings especially dixie the youngest and the one who grew up with them she looked up to her brothers and never thought that she would only have one to look up to know. Blake said "dix,"- Bryce cut him off "that's the confirmation we needed the doors their" I don't think he meant to come off a bit mean but dixie was so close to Blake they were inseparable and then when dixie hit 15 and Blake was getting older she attached to Bryce the only one who seemed to be home. Bryce was always protective of both of them. Now Blake was the one breaking her heart.
Blake just nodded his head and there stuff was already at the front. Amelie was out of the door after hugging everyone because it wasn't her fault. Blake only hugged me, charli, chase and addi. He was at the door when dixie jumped from bryces arms and hugged Blake saying through her sobs "I love you Blake" he hugged her back and started crying "I love you too" dixie looked at Bryce and gestured him to join the sibling hug which he did. It only lasted a little bit when Blake pulled away and left. The group sat down and watched Ginny & Georgia what we had started we there was 12 and now there was 6.

Charlis POV: we were watching Ginny & Georgia when I got a call from a random number. I answer telling Noah to pause the show. When I answered there was a guy I put it on speaker just in case it was a pervert that's what my pregnant head was thinking. He spoke he sounded like he was 20 he said "charli right" he sounded just like me. I said still weirded out "yes who is this" he said "your brother I know that sounds crazy but would you like to get lunch tmr. I saw that we had the same last name in your Tiktok and I would love to meet them and get to know you. So lunch at 12." I was amazed this totally could have been a guy that just stalked me and got my number but no one had my number. My parent must have gave it to them. Or maybe it was one of my stupid friends I didn't really know. But it was my brother the possibility's so I said "yes where," he answered  happy "your favorite" I said "okay" smiling. I said "see you tmr bye" then he said "bye," I hanged up.

The group looked shocked I did too I said "what the hell" and they all said "well we will see tmr" I looked at chase and chase looked like he was in a trans I just giggled and kissed cheek. I laid back in his chest as we watch the rest of the episode all of us had fell asleep.

Authors notes
I'm having to much fun. Lol thanks for 1.k reads so fast like what the hell. Hehe I will post again I hope. Get ready!

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