Birthday part 1!

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1 week after the baby surprise

Dixie POV: Noah and addi were twins and there birthday was in a day I was the most excited. It was my boyfriends and my best friend birthday at the same time. The rest of the group had got something very big but for all of us and each got a separate thing for each of them. I had got Noah a few things

This but with are pictures 👆

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This but with are pictures 👆

This but with are pictures 👆

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This but with N,D👆

It was simple but really cute and I knew that he would appreciate anything. Me and Noah had been dating for a month and a couple days. It was some of the best days of my life. I knew I was in love with him. I was even more excited for the big friend group present. I knew it would be something we would all remember. It was around noon and me and addi were making lunch charli was in the couch with the boys watching a show because she was getting really in the tired stage of growing a baby. Mads, Jaden, Amelie, nessa, and josh walked in and Amelie kissed Blake then stood in front of the tv for a announcement and called me and addi over. We were kinda scared because they were serious Amelie spoke first saying "I'm sorry I haven't been here and spending time with y'all and I want to officially move in" we all clapped and aid of course and she sat down by Blake. Nessa then spoke and said "me, Jaden, mads, and josh are moving out we feel as we are never here and will miss y'all so much but we are getting a bit to old for this" we all had knew it was coming but didn't expect it then right before addi and Noah's birthday. We hugged them and they went up to there no longer rooms to pack there stuff me and addi went back to lunch after being yelled at by charli saying she was HUNGRY we all to no offense to this because what can we say she pregnant. They came back downstairs with all of their stuff we weren't that sad because we knew they would still be around we all had our group hug and she'd a few tears before they left. Me and addi brought the sandwiches and chips out for everyone addi sat with Bryce and I sat with Noah and we sat their talking about life will eating. As we normally do soon enough night came and we all said we loved each other and left for are rooms. Me and Noah were in bed and I said "I'm sad they are gone" Noah said "I know me love I know". I said "I'm really sorry it had to happen the day before you and Addis birthday". Noah said "it's okay I promise" I kissed him and aid "I love you you will be 20 tmr" he smiled and said "I will have my second double digits" I daughter thinking about my 10th birthday. I said "I love you sm baby" and he said "love you my love goodnight". We fell asleep once again I'm each other's arms.

The next morning birthday day!

I woke up way before Everyone and slowly crept out of bed to make breakfast for everyone which was addi and Noah's favorite Waffles and strawberry's. About 39 minutes I was done and soon everyone started pulling downstairs it was 9:00 I did roll couch t and all 8 of us were down. I have everyone their food and sat down next to Noah and yelled HAPPY BIRTHDAY. They both said "thank you dixie" with a smile on their face noah kissed me and I clapped being so excited for today. "Ahhhh I'm so excited" I said they all laughed. I said "okay so everyone come back down in a hour I have activity planned all day" they said yes ma'am and in army making fun of me and we all left. Me and Noah got changed. I had got customized shirts for later on but I allowed them whatever they wanted to wear for know.

I wore 👆

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I wore 👆

Noah wore 👆

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Noah wore 👆

It was now a hour later and everyone was down stairs. Addi favorite thing to do was to go to Disney land. So we got In the car and I secretly drove their with Noah and addi eyes blindfolded. We pulled up and got them all out of the car still blindfolded we lifted their blindfolds and addi screamed and then jump in the air she hadn't been here in a while because of work and always being busy so it was perfect. She ran and hugged me screaming "thank you so much dixieeeeee" I laughed and said you welcome. Noah loved seeing the sight of his sister happy so hugged me as well and kissed my in the forehead saying "thank you my love" my love I got butterflies every time he called me that and now it was one of the few things he called me. I smiled and said "your welcome bub" and we all walked into the entrance, ate, rode rides, laughed, met characters. We were leaving and it was only 1. We had already ate so next thing was doing something noah loved and it was watching it playing soccer so we pulled up to the field and took his blind fold off. He smiled as he saw the freshly cut grass, and the new ball in the middle of the field. He just turned around and hugged me and I said "let's play" we all got on the field and started playing have some rules bent but it was so much fun Noah's team one he was against my team we were the captains mainly because we both played he only beat me 12 to 10. We laughed after having a great day and it was now 4. We drove back which took us 30 minutes and we all went back up stairs to take showers after we were all sweaty. When we all came back downstairs it was now 5:30ish and was now time for food, present, movie, cake.

Birthday boy and girl were forced to wear this

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Birthday boy and girl were forced to wear this.

Author notes:
This is part 1 part 2 will come 30 or so min after have fun reading ❤️

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