Fucked up

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The same day as the last chapter
Dixies POV: I had fucked up. I had never thought of his past I always thought of the future. Chase was better than me he had realized long before that's why he wanted to sit close to Noah on the plane. He wanted to have the closest but to me and Noah's. He was scared Noah might do something after he explained to all of us and everyone didn't want to talk to me. I got up going to start talking to Noah chase grab my hand and said "dix let me go talk to him I can relate to half his problems" I sat my ass down and said "just tell him I'm sorry" he said "I don't think sorry will be good enough but okay," he walked away leaving me in a awkward situation with the rest.

Chases POV: I knocked on Dixie and Noah's hut and walked in there noah was sitting down balling his eyes out. He looked up and looked at me and then looked right back down in his lap and continued. I just walked over and hugged him loosing someone sucks but having your girlfriend not remember sounds terrible. Noah spoke stuttering "why did she do it I would never cheat," I said "Noah I don't know it's dixie" he said "Dixie to y'all but that was my life I put everything into her love into her wanting and at this point I don't even care that she didn't remember but instead of asking she went and cheated" I said feeling hurt "Noah I know I know but she sorry and she knows she fucked up" he said "I don't know what I can do I love her and I want to be with her but what if this happens again where she just Doesn't remember my past," I just looked at him what could I say, nothing. Charli had never forgot and I just wanted to be a brother to Noah. He had been through so much shit in his past and his own girlfriend didn't remember. There was nothing to say I just nodded my head and continued to grasp him into my hug we the door fully opened. There dixie stood bad timing! She spoke "I heard everything" she had been listening. Noah didn't even look at her but in his eyes I saw pain the pain he felt every anniversary's days the pain he felt during the call his dad died. Me and Noah had went to high school together. I knew everything about that kid. I have known him for about 5 years while the rest had only knew him for 5 or 6 months. He tried to open up but talking about not being the wealthiest and not having parents all your life to people who had that and so much more all their life makes you looks really stupid I know from experience. I was always the quiet kid I was smart and a very food listener. All I said as I got up was "good luck"

Noah's POV: where had I went wrong why couldn't I help my parents, why couldn't I just have someone trust me, why was I here. That's all that went through my head. After chase left it was just me and Dixie I wasn't going to speak I couldn't even look at her I didn't care about her forgetting but instead of asking she just thought the worst. I knew she had a past but it was one guy. They didn't even have trouble until the end of their relationship so she couldn't blame it on griffin and he was long gone so why didn't she trust me. "Bub," she said I cut her off there "no it's Noah" it hurt me so much to say but I knew if I let her call me anything but Noah I would be right in her arms again and I couldn't let this slide. I couldn't she hurt me. I wanted to just have her in my arms but I couldn't. I wouldn't either. "Okay, noah I'm sorry I fucked up I totally forgot and I know that's not a excuse but my jealous ass got upset," i stoped her "why were you jealous you had literally no lead I was cheating" she responded "I know Noah but I was stupid, I am stupid but I'm so fucking sorry" I cut her off I felt so fucking bad but sorry wasn't going to work "Dixie" then surprisingly she cut me off. "Noah listen I don't know how it is not having a support systems because I was born into a wealthy family, I can't feel your pain and I don't think I ever will but I need you to know if I could take the pain away from you I fucking would. My dumb ass was mad because you were paying afterimage to me and that's all I want but I know that you were going through something I couldn't Imagine I really really disappointed in myself and I mad at myself but I love you, I love you more than anything I'm this world and I want to be with you and only you not some guy from the bar, not the richest man on earth, not my exes, but you Noah your perfect. I don't care about anyone but you if I can't have you I don't know. I really don't know who I would be. What I would be doing I'm fucked up," she was in hysterical tears. I was in tears. "Okay" I said plainly and she said "okay what?" I then said "I forgive you but after this I realized we went really fast, I want to slow down because if can trust me and have faith in me we need to slow down" she smiled disappointed that she had caused this. She said trying to look tough as if it didn't bother her by I knew dixie, I knew my dixie. "Okay" I hugged her I count him it in anymore she was in me again her vanilla scent on me this is what I wanted no matter what I wanted to be with her. "I love you bubs I'm so sorry," "I know my love I know" she sat up and said "Bryce is going to propose to Addison on Monday," I  said excited "really," she said "yes" and I append my best friend would be getting married. I snapped out of my thoughts when dixie said "can we go back" and I said "of course" we locked hands and walked out of our hut over to the same spot. The groups eyes were on me they were happy that we were okay, but sad because they got the truth. They all ran up to us a hugged me. They didn't say a thing we just had a group hug. Everything was okay I guess.

Dixies POV: I broke Noah's heart so mine was broken too he forgave me but asked to slow down I didn't have the right to disagree I was in the wrong. So I shut up for once and let him talk and we made up. Everyone was so what okay because I was still in a confirmed relationship with Noah and know not only was my best friend getting engaged soon, but my other best friend is having a child. Let's hope nothing else goes wrong but with our group there is something bound to go wrong.

Authors notes
Hope y'all enjoy I will try to make another one but who knows. Love y'all ❤️

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