Me and u against the world

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Dixies POV: it was are last full day in the Bahamas. It would be a pretty chill day but the group decided on going to a carnival together and if we wanted to split up in our couples we could. So after breakfast and chilling at the beach we all got ready and headed down to the carnival. There wasn't a lot of people but the decent number. Me and Noah had our arms linked the whole time after meeting up with the group me and Noah went separately like the other couples we went and shared funnel cake. We laughed as Noah made silly jokes and I made sarcastic jokes. We kissed many times and got a couple stares from jealous boys and girls. We also got so started from middle aged moms. We didn't care because it wasn't like we were swallowing each other throats it was just simple kissed her and there. We went on many complicated rides and then to bring back memories we rode some kid ones. We just enjoyed each other, we loved one another and everyone knew it. We also knew that it would be us. It started to get darker the good things was we all came in different cars so we all didn't have to leave at the same time. Around 7 so we had been there around 4 hours chase texted us saying charli didn't feel good and that they were leaving. We all said okay and reassured charli we loved her and it would be okay. Charli was like a little sister to me and now chase one day would be my brother and law, I was already the aunt to his non-born child. I was so proud of her for keeping track of this kid and she had now been pregnant with this baby for a month and and 1 week I had been counting down she had been to one ultrasound and was founding the gender out in a month. Just so we could get ready because the doctor said the baby is probably going to come early. Charli wanted a girl more than anything but a boy she said "would be the same perfection just in a different gender," charli was always positive and that would reflect well on her child. Chase wanted a girl as if half of the group. The other half didn't really care but was just happy to have a little one running around. Noah had brought up the possibility of twins because  charlis belly was bigger than it should have been at her point in the pregnancy. I laughed at the thought when Noah looked at me and said "what are you laughing at my love," I focused on his face and said "it's crazy to think I met charli, and chase years ago and now charli is like my little sister. One day chase will be my brother and law. They are having a baby and the baby will call me auntie," I was out of breath. Noah said maturely "life is good my love think of it we are together, we are in the Bahamas we have a fan base that loves us. We have the most supportive friends," I knew life was good noah just brought it to perspective like he did everything so I said "that's why hat I love the most about you," he said confused and curios "what," I said sweetly leaning my head in his shoulder "I know all this stuff but you bring it to perspective you look at the little things and I love that" he kissed me as he put me in front of him holding my waist and said excitedly "Ferris wheel time" I giggled and 10 minutes later we were getting strapped to the Ferris wheel chairs. I held his hand and we went to the top, they had stopped us at the top (yes like the movies lol).

It was beautiful and I was getting to see a very wide part of the Bahamas with the love of my life. Life really was good. I was special not because people knew me but because I knew them. Thinking about things without the people I live most makes me scared not clown scared but I get worried as what life would be like. Horrible that's the answer. Noah tugged my hand pulling me out of my thought saying "I think your beautiful" I blushed it was like he read my mind so I said "the sky is way more prettier than me I mean look at it I could look at it for hours," he said in response not letting this down easily "i can look at you for hours too" I laughed he was crazy but a cute crazy. "Okay you win. I love you baby" he said leaning in to kissed me "oh only if you knew how much I loved you," when he did kissed me it felt like we were in the movies but this felt better it felt as if there was no Ferris wheel just me and Noah flying in the sky no one else. The world had stopped everyone had disappeared it was just me and Noah. He pulled away and said "the movies" he had read my Mind again I said "that's what I was thinking" we just started at each mother and the sky in silence knowing we were made to make each other happy. No matter what came along it was me and him.

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