[06] medbay.

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Kawaihae, Hawaii

A YEAR. THAT'S HOW long it took to bring Kuo Mahi'ai's murderers to justice. It was a long, difficult process- one that Kailani wished she never had to be a part of. She dreaded the days where she would have to sit in the courthouse for hours, awaiting the day where the verdict would finally be given. Her parents insisted that she didn't have to attend the court days (they didn't want their poor daughter to relive the horrors over again) though Kailani insisted. She was smart enough to know the court process, and she knew that she had to be there when the killers were given their sentence.

    There was a lot of bickering back and forth between both parties. Talia and Hikaru Mahi'ai were stunned when they learned about their son's relationship with the female omnic named Nohea. At first, they denied it. They were even more furious when Kailani spoke up and told them that she knew about it from the very first day. The young girl knew that she would be scolded once they were in the privacy of their own home, though she wasn't scared. She vowed to defend Kuo's honor and what he believed in until her very last breath.

    Kuo's murderers, whose names Kailani learned to be Ano and Makoa (although to her they weren't deserving of any name), denied the accusations at first. They accused Kailani's family of framing them in order to start some form of race war, as if the entire world wasn't already in the midst of the largest race war in history. Though upon learning that the judge was a man who fought for equality for the omnics, and perhaps even having a bit of bias towards the race, they admitted it.

    Because of this "act of morality" as the judge had so called it, when the jury found the boys guilty of Kuo's murder, he gave them only 10 years in prison. This angered Kailani. Oh, how she wanted to run at the judge and grab him by his face and scream at him to give them the same trial that he would give a human. Though she knew she couldn't do this. She was only thirteen years old, a child who, in their eyes, knew nothing about the cruelty of the real world.

    So she was forced to sit there in silence, watching as her parents cursed at the omnics, as her brother's killers were dragged away in chains.

Present Day

KAILANI WAS THANKFUL FOR whatever magic Angela used on her arrow wound, and she only meant magic half-ironically. She rolled her shoulder as she walked through the courtyard; it had only been a few days since she was shot in Hanamura, and yet it felt like her shoulder had been healed for months. Tigress walked beside her, and the omnic turned to look at her in concern as Kailani kept rolling her shoulder.

    "Are you okay?" Tigress questioned softly, gesturing towards her shoulder. Kailani was thankful that she had the rather quiet omnic as a friend; it certainly made living on the Overwatch base surrounded by overly-serious agents bearable.

    "I'm okay," Kailani responded with a smile. "It's just amazing how fast my shoulder healed. Dr. Ziegler truly is an angel."

    Tigress laughed lightly at this, a soft mechanical whirring that was oddly contagious. Her laughter died down, however, as she spotted Captain Amari across the courtyard, seemingly preparing for the day of training. Kailani noticed this and felt a stab of pity for her friend; she was lucky enough to get out of basic training, considering she was recruited straight into Blackwatch.

    "Hey, you only have one more week of hell," Kailani said to her friend, nudging her gently. "Which division are you hoping to be placed in?"

    Tigress shrugged. "Captain Amari is bringing us to work with the Torbjorn and the engineers today, and I'm not too excited about that. Everyone just seems so uptight. I hope I get assigned to Blackwatch. That way, if I happen to kill someone on a mission, all the Overwatch saints wont get upset."

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