- eight.

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warning! this chapter contains slight sexual content near the end. it isn't anything too severe (as in straight up intercourse) but if you are sensitive to this topic feel free to skip. the part that contains sexual content will be written in italics to help those who wish to skip know when to stop reading!

DURING HER TIME AT the monastery, Kailani quickly learned that whenever Zenyatta watched someone in a seemingly uncomfortable silence, the omnic monk was actually taking the time to examine one's innermost thoughts and feelings, studying their mind whilst also paying attention to the body language being presented in the process. So, as she sat in front of the wise omnic, nervously playing with her fingers as he sat in silence, she knew that he was doing exactly that. The thought of Zenyatta prying his way into her mind and not being able to stop it was rather unsettling, but she knew better than to stop him.

Finally, after what seemed like lifetimes of sitting in that unbearable silence, Zenyatta spoke. "Something is troubling you, my student. What is on your mind?"

Kailani was tempted to bitterly point out the fact that he had been prying through her mind uninvited since she had joined him in the temple. He should have known what was on her mind. But she knew how he taught; Zenyatta believed that one must talk about the things worrying them in order to begin the process of healing.

Kailani pursed her lips. She looked down, her twitching fingers suddenly seeming like the most interesting thing in the world. "The Null Sector attacks, Master... I just can't stop thinking about them," she said quietly.

Zenyatta nodded knowingly, humming. "You are worried because innocent people are dying and you cannot do anything to help them," he observed, and she nodded. Her shoulders sagged as she was once again reminded of the evil that plagued their world, as well as her inability to do anything to stop it. Zenyatta sensed this, and he rested a gentle and comforting hand on her shoulder. "I fear that my people will never be able to live in peace with your kind. For decades omnics have fought for equality, though I am starting to believe that it is simply not possible. We are just too different. Humans claim that a soul is what defines a being. But I do not exactly agree."

Kailani stayed silent, looking up at him curiously. Zenyatta always had a point to his rambling; the omnic never once said anything that didn't hold deeper meaning. "Do you think I have a soul, Kailani?" he asked.

She blinked, taken aback. "What?"

"Do not be alarmed. It is just a question because I myself am not sure," Zenyatta said to her. "Omnics do not live as humans do .We do not reproduce, we are not born. We are just... created. I suppose that, depending on what you believe in, you may believe that humans are created, as well. But it is not the same. Us omnics are created with specific programming, and although we live our own lives, we have little control over who we are."

Kailani frowned, thinking back to Tigress. Her omnic friend was created with the intention of carrying out Talon's dirty work, and although she tried to veer away from that path and be a loyal Overwatch agent, Kailani feared that the Talon attack on the base only made her return to her original programming. "Master..." she began, but Zenyatta cut her off with a raise of his hand.

"You have a choice, Kailani. You get to choose who you want to be. You must not let fear hold you back from your desires." Zenyatta stood up, nodding once towards someone behind her. Kailani stood to her feet and glanced over her shoulder. Genji had entered the temple and was making his way over to them; he had a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, and Kailani was once again reminded of the fact that they were leaving. She gasped as she felt a cool hand on her shoulder. A moment later, Zenyatta's smooth voice spoke in her ear. "When the time comes, my student, remember that."

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