ii. execution

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KAILANI WAS CALLED TO Commander Reyes's office early the next morning. He and McCree returned from the Overwatch facility in Rome with news, and she was itching to learn what they had to say. She sat in a chair in front of Reye's desk, her legs crossed over one another and her fingers drumming impatiently on her knee. McCree sat in the chair beside her; his dark cowboy hat sat in his lap, and his dusty brown hair messily freed from its confinement. Genji was standing on his other side with his arms crossed over his chest. She knew that he was hoping for the same thing she was: good news regarding the whole Talon situation.

    Kailani glanced over her shoulder as the door to the office swung open. Reyes entered the room, Moira following in close behind. She couldn't help but notice how frazzled the Commander seemed, and once again she was reminded of the "experiment" that she had walked in on only days before. Judging by Reyes's bloodshot eyes and the way he wore long sleeves that covered the length of his arms, she guessed that they were doing the same thing just moments ago. She frowned, eyes darting between Reyes and Moira as they settled down in their respective spots in the office.

    "So," the sound of Reyes's voice pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned her attention to the desk in front of her once more. She watched as the Commander fiddled with his fingers in front of him, tapping on the desk to a fixed rhythm. "A Talon team led by Antonio attacked the Overwatch base in Cairo just a few days ago. Several agents are dead. Our friends at the Rome facility told us that Antonio is still hiding out in Venice." Kailani tensed at the mention of the dreaded city where she had been held hostage for over a week. McCree noticed this, and he reached out and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly.

    "I talked to Morrison," the Commander continued. "Suggested that we find Antonio, capture him quietly, and bring the bastard in for questioning. His hands are tied, he cannot make a final decision, so he left it up to me. We're going to leave for Venice as soon as possible."

    Kailani's eyes narrowed as she stared at Reyes skeptically. He and McCree had just gone to Rome against Commander Morrison's orders, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was another rebellious rendezvous. She looked over at McCree questioningly; her friend was a lot of things, but he wasn't a liar. He would tell her the truth.

    "He did," McCree said to her, nodding once.

    "We are all going?" Genji suddenly spoke up, and he sounded rather unsettled. Kailani looked over at him; as she met his worried gaze, she suddenly realized what he was thinking. Antonio was just as responsible for her and McCree's capture, torture, and experimentation as Santiago was.

    Facing one of the men that held her captive for over a week terrified her, though oddly enough she found herself itching to go on the mission. All she wanted was for Antonio and Santiago to be brought to justice for the countless horrible things that they had done.

    "Yes, all of us," Reyes said with a pointed look towards Genji, as though daring the cyborg to argue.

    Genji wasn't afraid to speak his mind, nor was he afraid to challenge his Commander. "Lani should not come," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

    "I'm going," she protested with an annoyed frown. Kailani greatly appreciated the fact that Genji cared about her safety, although she wasn't going to allow him to dictate which missions she went on just because he was worried for her.

    Genji shook his head, his hard gaze meeting her own. "It is too dangerous."

    Kailani elbowed McCree in the side as he rolled his eyes and mumbled: "relationships, am I right?"

    "I'm not going to let you guys risk your lives while I sit back like a coward behind these walls," she said, turning towards Genji once more. He looked as though he was about to speak, though Moira cut him off.

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