viii. reunited

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KAILANI'S LEG BOUNCED UP and down as she nervously chewed at her fingernails. A plate of half-eaten pancakes sat in front of her, long since passed being warm. Her eyes remained glued to the set of double doors that led out of the cafeteria, waiting for any sign of a specific person entering through them. Lena sat beside her, with Lucas and Mia across from them, and the trio were confused by Kailani's anxious state.

    "Why are you so on edge?" Lucas asked with a short snicker. He shoved a forkful of pancakes into his mouth, chewing loudly.

    "She's eaten more of her fingernails than her actual food," Mia pointed out jokingly. Kailani shot them both a good-humored glare, though she didn't respond. She realized that if she told her friends what was making her so anxious, it would only be the cause of more teasing; after all, she hadn't really a reason to be so nervous.

    Beside her, Lena nudged her in the side, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. "Genji's transferring today," she said in a sing-song voice. Both Lucas and Mia let out identical "ohhh" sounds, nodding in understanding. Mia giggled lightly, having heard plenty about Kailani's feelings towards Genji during their late-night girl talks with Lena, though Lucas looked almost annoyed.

    He frowned slightly, looking down at his plate. "That's today? Kailani, are you going to forgive him that easily?"

    "There's nothing to forgive, Lucas," Kailani pointed out with a shrug.

    Lucas gave her a pointed look, eyebrows raised. "He chose Blackwatch over you."

    Kailani pursed her lips, ready to defend Genji at any cost. She liked Lucas a lot, though he was currently talking about things that he had no knowledge of whatsoever. He really has to stop believing all the gossip he hears, she thought with a slight scowl. "I never asked him to come with me," Kailani argued flatly. "I understand why he stayed. Blackwatch is all he has known, and he's loyal to Reyes and McCree."

    "He should've been loyal to you," Lucas grumbled unhappily. He shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth, and Mia giggled at his quite sudden change of behavior.

    Kailani sighed. She was thankful that her friends were looking out for her, though none of them knew Genji like she did. They only saw the hard-shelled emotionless ninja persona that he put on around the others; they had no idea what he was like when they were alone together. She hated that they were unable to see him for who he really was.

    Still, she knew that Lucas didn't have any ill-intentions behind his actions, so she shot him a small smile in understanding. "Genji transferring to Overwatch doesn't mean anything, Lucas. Can't I just be happy to see a friend?"

    Beside her, Lena let out a loud laugh. Kailani turned to look at her in confusion, only to find the British girl staring at her with a look of disbelief. "C'mon, Kai! We all know that he's not just a friend."

    Kailani looked down, shrugging. Lena had a point; not even Kailani knew where she currently stood with Genji. She hadn't mentioned how Genji had dove into her window just a few days before, kissing her passionately before diving back out as though nothing had happened. The entire ordeal left her even more confused than before, as well as all the more longing for Genji and his company.

    "I don't know what he is," she admitted with a shrug, frowning slightly. Lena noticed her rather crestfallen tone, and she slung an arm over Kailani's shoulder, pulling her close. It looked as though she was about to say something, though movement out of the corner of Kailani's eye pulled her attention elsewhere. She looked over as the double doors leading to the cafeteria swung open and Commander Morrison entered the room; following closely behind him was Genji.

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