- seven.

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THE ALL-TOO FAMILIAR shrill tone that came from the closed laptop on her nightstand was what awoke Kailani from her slumber. She sat up quickly, blinking wildly for a moment as her head spun from the sudden movement. The bed was empty beside her, and the sheets were pulled up to the pillow neatly. She guessed that Genji had already left for the morning meditation.

Kailani wasted no time before reaching over for her laptop, setting it down on her lap and opening it. A tiny mail symbol flashed in the upper right corner of the screen. She was hopeful as she clicked on the icon; it had been weeks since she had last heard from Winston, and she hoped that it was him who contacted her.

Sure enough, a message from the gorilla scientist awaited her as she opened the mail application. She clicked on it, her heart lifting ever-so-slightly. Her eyes scanned over the message carefully as though Winston's words were some sort of gospel.


I would first like to apologize for my lack of responses. The United Nations are not happy with my presence in Gibraltar, but I have finally convinced them that my research is simply personal. I am reluctant to say that the world has completely turned their backs on Overwatch.

I hope you are doing well. It's been weeks since we've last spoken, but you mentioned seeking help from the omnic monk named Zenyatta. I hope both you and Genji have found what you were searching for.

I've attached some files to this message. I must ask you to read over them. The information is long overdue, but better late than never. There are things that he wished for you to know.

Keep in touch,


Below Winston's message, several files were attached just as he had stated. Kailani's mind was overcome with dizzying thoughts as the cursor hovered over the first file. Who was the he that Winston had mentioned in his message, and why were these files suddenly so important?

Hesitantly, Kailani clicked on the first file, opening it. A sort of personnel file spread across the screen of her laptop; in the top left corner was an old photograph that resembled some sort of identification photo. Kailani's breath hitched in her throat as she recognized the man in the photograph. She could recognize the stoic face and chiseled features almost anywhere, and she found herself growing lost in the piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare right into her soul.

It was Jack Morrison's personnel file from when he first joined the United States military.

Kailani read over it carefully, taking in all the information as though it would later be on some sort of assessment. She knew well enough that Morrison was a war dog. His leadership style and obsession with formality made it obvious to anyone who was in his presence. He was enlisted into the army when he was eighteen; underneath his recruitment file was a messy handwritten note that commented on his determination and enthusiasm to join in on the war and bring an end to the first omnic crisis. Kailani smiled at this. Even when he was barely more than a kid, Jack Morrison had the best sense of justice of anyone she had ever known.

Kailani enjoyed reading about the man she looked up to, the man who took her in and helped train her to be the woman she was, but she couldn't help but feel confused as she closed the file. Why did Winston send her this, and why did he make it seem so important? She moved over to the next file, wasting no time before opening it. Perhaps it held more answers.

A file similar to the first spread across her screen. After taking a moment to read, Kailani realized that it was a deployment form. Jack Morrison's name and photo were plastered several times across the file, so there was no doubt that it belonged to him. Kailani's eyebrows pulled together as her eyes scanned over the words on the screen before her. She paused momentarily, throat tightening uncomfortably as she read over the date of his deployment.

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