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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, KAILANI spent her time preparing herself to leave for Arequipa. She was nervous, to say the least. She had no idea what would be waiting for her and Genji upon their arrival. Although she did her best to convince Genji that they would be welcome there, she truly had no idea if it was true or not. They had left Overwatch when it needed them the most. Would the Captains stationed at the Peru base really look past that?

The holovision played in the background as she packed away the few belongings that they had. A news anchor was busy rambling on about the current events happening around the world. Kailani paid no attention to it; she knew it would be pointless to worry about the latest Null Sector attacks. There was nothing she could do about it now, anyways. However, one word that was spoken by the anchor did catch her attention: Overwatch.

Kailani stopped what she was doing, eyes traveling up to the holovision just as the familiar logo appeared to the right of the anchor's head. Movement from across the room pulled her attention away from the broadcast momentarily. Genji joined her from the tiny kitchenette; he, too, seemed intrigued by the news on Overwatch. Kailani listened in, noticing the rather fearful tremor behind the news anchor's words.

"The United Nations signed the Petras Act earlier this morning. The act states that any Overwatch activity is now deemed illegal, and anyone found working under the organization is to be arrested immediately. All Overwatch facilities around the world will be shut down immediately."

Kailani's mouth hung open as she turned to glance at Genji. The cyborg said nothing, though they both knew that their plan to go to Arequipa had suddenly become impossible.

"Now what?" She breathed out shakily. Their one plan of action, the one that was keeping her calm and collected, suddenly dissipated into thin air.

Why would Overwatch suddenly be shut down? She knew of the countless controversies and scandals that had arisen over the years; most of them had to do with Blackwatch and the morality behind the division, though she never thought that it would be enough to shut down Overwatch in its entirety. With a nervous shudder she couldn't help but wonder if the United Nations just sealed the world's fate with the Petras Act. Without Overwatch and the agents that tirelessly fought to protect the world, terrorist organizations such as Talon and Null Sector would now be at full power.

Kailani was pulled from her thoughts as a hand was placed on her shoulder. Metallic fingertips were cool against her skin, and she turned to see Genji taking a seat on the bed beside her. "We must find another plan."

"Where else can we go, Genji?" Kailani fretted with a frown. "Without Overwatch..." She closed her eyes for a moment, collecting herself as a wave of emotion threatened to spill over. "I don't know what to do."

Genji was silent for a moment. She could basically see the wheels turning in his head as he became lost in thought. "I believe you must go home, Lani."

"What?" Kailani blinked at him, surprised.

"It is the one place where you will be safe, I am sure of it," Genji explained to her. There was an almost fearful look shimmering in his crimson eyes.

"What will you do?" Kailani asked him. She was almost afraid to hear his answer. The thought of parting ways with Genji terrified her. She had no idea where she was supposed to go, but she knew one thing for certain: she wanted Genji to be by her side.

"I will join you, if you wish," he said, lowering his hand to her thigh. He gave it a gentle squeeze, and she felt herself relax immediately. Her heart hammered against her chest at the thought of going home after so many years, facing her parents after she chose to run away. They had no idea what she had been through since she left, nor did they know the person she had become. She knew that, in their eyes, she was still the little girl that they raised.

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