↳ five.

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KAILANI TOOK A STEP away from the man, eyeing the gun that was pointed threateningly towards her stomach; his finger hovered dangerously close to the trigger, and she swallowed nervously. "I uh... someone's calling me, I gotta go-"

"I don't think so, pretty lady," the man cut her off with a dry laugh. He took a step towards her, causing her to back away from him until her back was pressed against the brick wall behind her. The man shot her a twisted smile as he approached her, watching her through hooded eyes. He reached out with one hand and tilted her chin up to look at him: "Pretty girl. It'd be a shame if they lost ya. But-" he shrugged. "Ya just killed our boss. We can't have that now, can we?"

Kailani said nothing, though she held his gaze fearlessly. Having had plenty of experience with disgusting men in her past, she was no longer afraid of their wandering eyes and nauseating words. Eye contact always threw them off. The man snorted and stepped away from her, pressing the barrel of the gun harshly against her stomach. She could feel the cool metal of the barrel through the thin material of her shirt, and she shivered ever so slightly.

"Move, girlie," the man ordered darkly, and Kailani had no choice but to obey.

Meanwhile, Genji was making his way over to Reyes and McCree, his eyes darting over the compound in search of Kailani. There was no sign of her, and he stopped abruptly in his tracks. He looked around him, desperately searching for the girl. Relief washed over him when he spotted her near the factory, though that feeling was immediately replaced with dread as he noticed that she was not alone. A large man was with her, holding a machine gun to her side as he led her towards the building. Genji immediately reached for his sword, unsheathing it as rage boiled within him. He noticed that the man's hand rested on her back, dangerously close to her backside, and this only angered him more.

McCree and Reyes momentarily forgotten, Genji took off at a run in the direction of Kailani and the man. He gripped his katana tightly in his cybernetic hand, blinded by rage as he focused on nothing but the gun pointed at Kailani. He slowed his pace as he neared them, for he didn't want the man to notice him before he was able to strike, in case he carelessly pulled the trigger and shot Kailani. Genji crepted towards them, watching as the man shoved Kailani against the wall just outside the door of the factory. He ran the barrel of the gun down her chest and across her stomach, obviously teasing the already terrified girl. He was mumbling something in her ear, and as Genji got closer, he began to make out some of the words he was saying:

"...you'll be sorry that you pulled the trigger on our boss by the time we're done with you-"

Genji's cybernetic suit whirred loudly as he growled under his breath, tightening his grip on the katana in his hand. The man reached up to cup Kailani's face, though Genji reacted quicker. He dashed towards the man, sword stretched out in front of him, and pierced his blade through the man's abdomen. He cried out in pain, blood pooling from the wound as Genji pulled his katana out of his body.

Kailani's eyes widened as the man began to choke, blood spluttering from his lips as he gripped the gaping wound in his torso. She watched with eyes wide with shock as he fell to the ground limp, the machine gun that had been pressed to her stomach landing at her feet. She looked up to find Genji standing where the man once was, his katana gripped tightly in his hands and his red eyes glowing with anger. He said nothing as he met her eyes, wiping his bloody sword on the grass before sheathing it once more. He grunted and kicked the lifeless body, gesturing for her to follow him. Kailani didn't hesitate to do so, her entire body shaking and the ghost of the disgusting man's touch lingering on her cheek.

Neither of them spoke as they made their way through the city and towards the ship. Kailani stuck close to Genji's side, watching every person that they passed distrustfully. She could see him glancing at her several times out of the corner of her eye, though she didn't dare turn to meet his gaze. She was already shaken up over the close call, and she wanted to do everything she could to not think about it.

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