- eleven.

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BOTH KAILANI AND GENJI agreed that staying in Hanamura for a few more days was the best option for the pair. It was nice to be someplace that was familiar to at least one of them, although the aftermath of the explosion and the looming threat of Talon caused both of them to be on edge.

Kailani subconsciously reached up to rub her eyebrow, the area rather sore due to the minor burns she had suffered from the explosion the day before. She stuck close to Genji as the pair made their way down the streets of Hanamura. Her eyes darted between each civilian that they passed, eyeing them distrustfully. Any one of them could be Talon, and this terrified her.

Beside her, the lights on Genji's visor flickered as he, too, looked around him. His broad shoulders were tense, his hand gripping hers tightly. Kailani couldn't help but wonder if he wasn't just looking out for Talon, but his brother, as well. Talon was supposedly in Hanamura to find Hanzo Shimada, and she knew that he must have been concerned for his brother, despite their broken relationship.

Forcing her worrisome thoughts to the back of her mind, Kailani nudged Genji's side gently. He turned to look at her; his face was covered by his visor, though she felt herself relax beneath his hidden gaze nonetheless. "It'll be okay," she assured him softly. He simply responded with a grunt, dismissing the conversation before she had the chance to say anything else.

Genji's pace faltered ever so slightly as the pair approached a flashy building amongst the otherwise traditional architecture. A large green character had been built into the side of the building, holding out a bowl of cartoonish ramen. Beneath it, in bold green letters, a sign read Rikimaru Ramen. Kailani heard a soft chuckle come from within Genji's visor, and she turned to look at him in curiosity.

"Hanzo and I would come here often," he said to her, his words laced with nostalgia. "Almost every day. The owners knew us. They loved us, but they did not love the mess we would make. We would have contests to see who could eat the spiciest bowl of ramen, which would sometimes result in noodles being spat on to the floor."

Kailani laughed lightly at this, imagining a younger Genji quickly eating a bowl of ramen with his brother beside him. "Who would win?" she questioned.

"Me, of course," Genji responded and puffed out his chest proudly. "Hanzo was always a bit of a wimp when it came to spices. Our father was once convinced that he had been born into the wrong family. Shimadas love spices."

Kailani couldn't help but notice the way Genji kept glancing back towards the ramen shop, as well as the way he shuffled his weight between his feet restlessly. She was well aware that, although he didn't necessarily have to eat, Genji still enjoyed downing a bowl of ramen whenever he had the chance. "Do you want to go inside?"

For a moment, he seemed tempted. He straightened, then his shoulders slumped and he shook his head with a soft sigh. "It is just not the same anymore," he said to her. Kailani nodded, deciding against pushing the topic any further. It was obvious that even though Genji was at peace with himself, the memories of his childhood still haunted him, and she knew better than to push him to relive them.

Kailani opened her mouth to speak, possibly to suggest moving on to a different part of town, though Genji shushed her before she had the chance to do so. She furrowed her eyebrows, frowning, and shot him a glare, though his attention was elsewhere. Confused, she followed his gaze towards the entrance to an alleyway. She only just caught sight of the figure slinking into the shadows; it was obvious that whoever it was didn't want to be followed.

"What's wrong?" she questioned him hesitantly. Genji's gaze remained glued to the alleyway, and he flexed the cybernetic arm that contained his shurikens.

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