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OVER THE NEXT SEVERAL days, Kailani mainly kept to herself. She focused solely on working around the base, doing her best to convince the Commanders that she wanted to stay. She knew that both Reyes and Morrison were watching her closely, making sure she didn't try to sneak off again when they turned their backs on her. Kailani understood why they were being so vigilant, though it didn't stop her from feeling annoyed with herself for losing their trust.

Because of the whole situation with the Talon ambush in Crete, the Commanders agreed that they would suspend Kailani from field work until they were confident that Talon had not found their location. While she was thankful for this sort of vacation, it also meant that she was stuck at base until further notice; and spending several days behind the same four walls could get rather boring. Kailani spent most of her time shifting between the common room and the gym; she would spend her mornings working out so that she would not get out of shape during her quarantine, and then cycle through the things to do in the rec room in the afternoons. She ended up teaching herself how to play pool, and she lost count of how many games of solitaire she played.

Kailani leaned back one of the couches in the rec room, sighing rather loudly and dramatically. She had nothing to do until her monthly physical with Dr. Ziegler in about an hour, so she thought that she would kill some time in the rec room. Though neither the pool table nor the deck of cards seemed fun at that moment, so she simply collapsed on the couch and stared at the ceiling in silence.

"You look miserable." Kailani sat up at the familiar sound of Tigress's voice, a grin spreading over her features almost immediately. She turned around to see her friend entering the room, whirring in amusement. It had been a while since she caught up with Tigress. Ever since the omnic finished Blackwatch training, she had been kept busy with different assignments and missions. Their schedules were basically the opposite: while Kailani was sleeping throughout the night, Tigress was just waking up to be sent on a mission.

"You try having nothing to do but pool and solitaire for four days," Kailani responded with a groan. "I never thought I'd envy you for going out and beating up bad guys."

"You'll be back out there soon. I'm sure the whole Talon thing will blow over within the next few days," Tigress said to her as she took a seat on the couch.

"Let's hope so," Kailani grumbled. "If I have to spend another week stuck in this base, I'm going to lose my mind. I'm already considering going to hang out with Torbjorn, just for some interaction."

Tigress laughed lightly. "You must really be bored out of your mind, then. I went in there once, and he did nothing but beg to upgrade the blades on my hands." She held up one of her metallic hands, flexing her fingers; the claw-like blades attached to her knuckles scraped against each other as she did so.

The doors to the rec room swung open once again, and the pair turned around to see Griffin enter the room. Kailani scowled ever so slightly, the conversation he had with the Blackwatch agents after she returned from Hanamura with Genji still fresh in her mind. The light haired man plopped down on the couch opposite to them, shooting them a friendly smile. Tigress greeted him, though Kailani stayed silent as she glared at him through narrowed eyes.

Griffin shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, reaching up and running his hand through his dusty blonde hair. "Hey, Kailani. I, uh... wanted to apologize. You know, for my recent behavior," he said to her awkwardly. "I just wanted to try and fit in with the other agents, so I thought that I would mess around with them. I didn't mean any harm by it."

Kailani pursed her lips. His apology seemed genuine enough, and she understood that sometimes people do things they are not proud of in order to fit in with a group. She shot him a quick smile of forgiveness, though said nothing.

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