xii. interrogation

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THE LOCATION OF DOOMFIST was given to Commander Morrison by a very cowardly Maximilien after only an hour of interrogation. Winston, Lena, and Genji had been assigned to fly to Numbani in an attempt to catch Doomfist. Though the Talon associate was elusive, and they had to move quickly in order to have a chance.

    Kailani opted to sit the mission out, much to everyone's surprise. Anyone that knew her was well aware of the fact that she tended to beg to go on any and every mission that she hadn't been assigned to. Hell, even Genji had looked as if she had grown a second head when she let them leave without argument.

    The thought of catching Doomfist and finally bringing him to justice did excite her, and part of Kailani did wish she could go on the mission with the rest of the team, but she had her own plans. Maximilien was a top Talon associate, and he was sitting helplessly in their custody. She knew that, with him at the mercy of Overwatch, it was the perfect time to get him to talk. If anyone knew anything about the Infiltrator's location, it would be another Talon member such as Maximilien.

    If there was anything that Kailani learned about the omnic since he had been brought into custody, it was that he was a coward. Maximilien was egotistical, and it turned out that he valued his life more than his loyalty towards the terrorist organization that he worked for. Morrison found it easy to pry Doomfist's location out of him, and Kailani hoped that it would be easy for her, as well. She knew that she wasn't nearly as intimidating as Jack Morrison, though unlike many Overwatch agents, her time in Blackwatch made her unafraid to push her limits when it came to interrogation.

    Genji approached her just as he and the rest of the team were preparing to leave. His body was covered in his cybernetic armor, glowing green visor hiding the entirety of his face from view. Still, Kailani could feel his eyes on her through his visor as he stopped in front of her.

    "Be safe," she said to him sternly, though there was a hint of concern hidden behind her words. Doomfist was a huge threat not only to Overwatch, but to the entire world. He packed a powerful punch (hence his alias) and she couldn't help but worry about her team. Even with Genji's cybernetic enhancements, Doomfist could really hurt him; she knew that Genji tended to get overly-confident and pick fights that he couldn't always win. She worried that, if Genji tried to take on Doomfist alone, he would end up extremely injured.

    "Do not worry about me," Genji assured her softly, his accented voice laced with a rather robotic tone because of his visor. "Stay out of trouble while I am gone."

    He looked at her as though he knew exactly what Kailani was planning, and she couldn't stop the faint pink dusting that spread over her cheeks. It wasn't that she was breaking any rules; Commander Morrison never gave her permission to interrogate Maximilien, but he never said that she couldn't either.

    "Me? In trouble? That's unheard of," she responded with a nervous chuckle. She knew that Genji rolled his eyes without even being able to see his face, though his shoulders shook with quiet laughter. He reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly. Kailani's eyes widened at the gesture; it wasn't often that Genji publicly showed any form of affection, though she noticed that it was slowly becoming more common, and she would have been lying if she said she didn't enjoy it.

    Kailani said her goodbyes to the team, wishing them good luck once again as she watched them board the airship. Part of her longed to be on the ship with them, itching for some more excitement after the Havana mission just a few days prior, but she then reminded herself of why she had chosen to stay behind. Suddenly eager to talk to Maximilien, she twisted around on her heels and moved towards the headquarters. She stopped in her tracks almost immediately, however, as she came face to face with Morrison. The Commander stood with his arms crossed over his chest and looked down at her expectantly, his graying eyebrows raised.

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